Accommodation costs

Information about the costs of living in University residences, how and when to pay, and what is included in your accommodation fee.

Accommodation fees for 2024/25 

The accommodation fees for 2024/25 are listed on each residence page. You can also view the full list of accommodation costs to compare prices of residences and room types. 

View the full list of accommodation fees for 2024/25

If you are a Study Abroad student, you can view the accommodation costs for semester one (September entry) on the Accommodation for Study Abroad students page.

What is included in your accommodation fee 

Your accommodation fee includes:

  • all gas, electricity and water rates
  • internet
  • basic contents insurance
  • a bus pass for the Bristol Unibus U1 service* 
  • a Social Fund contribution.
 * This is only available for students living in undergraduate accommodation or in mixed undergraduate-postgraduate accommodation. The bus pass is not available to students living in postgraduate-only accommodation.

How your accommodation fee is calculated 

The accommodation fee you pay depends on the type of room you have. We have a wide variety of accommodation and so the fees are varied too.

Fees are calculated using a number of factors including room size, whether you have a basin, or en suite, facilities at your residence such as common rooms and bars, gardens and sports facilities or any enhancement to your room.

Budgeting for your accommodation 

When you apply for accommodation, you need to ensure you have understood the cost of the tenancy and when you need to make payment. We will show you the rent for the full tenancy period in the application and in your accommodation offer. The tenancy is for a fixed term and so this is the amount you are due to pay even if you move in later or move out earlier than your contracted dates. 

You need to make sure that you are able to afford the rent amounts that you apply for in your accommodation application. You can also look into available bursaries and scholarships that may help you in covering some of the costs of your accommodation fee. 

How and when to pay 

Details of how to pay your accommodation fees can be found on the Pay your fees pages.  

End of tenancy fees

You might have to pay be additional charges  at the end of your tenancy. Our End of tenancy charges page has more information. 

Rent in advance: postgraduates 

Postgraduates need to pay rent in advance of £500 to accept an offer of University accommodation. To make payment you will need a debit or credit card with a three digit security code on the reverse. Exactly how you pay depends on which residence you have been offered. Your rent in advance is non-refundable.  

Three of our Postgraduate residences are Nomination properties. Some details around cancellations and paying rent in advance are different to the standard policies. These properties are:

  • Chantry Court
  • Deans Court
  • Woodland Court.