Student Academic Representation Network (SARN)


The main purposes of the Network are to:

Terms of reference

  1. To act as a forum to facilitate the success and development of school level academic student voice and representation, policy and processes.
  2. To discuss relevant Bristol SU and University policy, guidance materials and processes relating to school level academic taught student representation.
  3. To act as a conduit for academic student representation information and developments between staff and students in schools and Bristol Students’ Union.
  4. To share and highlight best practice in school level academic student representation, the challenges students and staff face, and explore ideas to help overcome these.
  5. To advise on relevant training needs for staff and students involved in school-level academic representation.


University Education Director (co-Chair) - Professor Catherine Hindson
PG Bristol SU Education Officer (co-Chair) - Timber Hill
UG Bristol SU Education Officer - Nicole Antoine
UG and PGT course reps (individual membership may be fluid)
Academic representative/s from each school
Professional Services representative/s from each school
Representatives from Bristol SU - Janine Fox, Sabrina Jones
Representatives from the Academic Quality and Policy Office - Sam Jones, Georgia Terry and Melissa Bevan (Secretary)

Meeting Dates 2023-24

Mode of Operation

The Network will normally meet approximately three times each academic year.
The Network will liaise with the Student Academic Voice Group.

There is a SharePoint site for members as well as a general SharePoint site on Student Representation.

We welcome suggestions from colleagues for discussion items or presentations on topics of common interest; please email Melissa Bevan (