Information about the group
Programme of tasks and socials
Committee details
Scrapbook of photos and the like
Archive of old web pages

Summer 2007 Events Programme

Not much tends to happen during the summer term, what with people having spelling tests and the like. But don't disappear off home too soon 'cos you'll miss the end of term barbecue!

Sunday 6th May

Quiz at Roo Bar

Katie can't be sociable all by herself so why not come along and join in with the quiz? The last quiz we went to as a group was on Arran and we won, so it's almost guranteed that we'll win this one too....

>> Where's the Roo Bar then?

Sunday 3rd June

Sunday lunch

At the Pennyfarthing on Whiteladies Road, meet at 12.30pm.

>> Map

Saturday 9th June

End of term BBQ

As is the custom, our final event of the year is a BBQ. Katie's organising the fire, just bring along something to eat and drink. Meet at the water tower at 5pm or phone Katie (07773 596864) if you are arriving later and she'll direct you to the right part of the Downs!

>> Map of the water tower (for any Cliftonites)

Tuesday 26th June

Farewell drinks

Ally has requested the pleasure of our company at the Highbury Vaults from 7.30pm to mark her departure from Bristol.

Sunday 16th - Saturday 22nd September

Scotland trip

The dates for the annual excursion to the Isle of Arran have been announced, so get in touch with our new president Naomi (nl4241) if you want to reserve your place. Accommodation is free but you'll need to make your own travel arrangements.

>> Scrapbook page from last year's trip

Older programmes can be found in the archive.