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Scotland 2007

16th - 22nd September 2007

BUCG Scotland 2007 Group:
Rob, Lisa, Katie, Charlotte, Lizzie, Serene and Naomi


BUCG's fifth trip to Arran in five years. We had four work days and one day off smack bang in the middle of the week so there was plenty of time for craziness, giggling (oh yes!) and the occasional bit of productive work.

On Monday we sped up Goatfell after Kenny the machine and spent the day making drainage channels. Tuesday saw us rhoddie bashing in the rain with ranger Stephen and about a million midges. Wednesday was our day off which saw Rob and Lisa head off to look at rocks and tour the distillery and the rest of us (Katie, Serene, Charlotte, Lizzie and me) explored the island's shops, ate chocolates by the sea and watched the sunbathing seals. On Thursday we had a break from our usual destruction and counted trees in transects to track the progress of the forest's regeneration, but the destruction continued on Friday with more rhoddie bashing and a nice big fire which Rob tried to throw himself into but didn't quite succeed.

The cards were out most evenings but really, with Charlotte around, who needs any other entertainment? Ranger Stephen let us explore the castle for free, where Charlotte managed to offend the staff with a question regarding inbreeding, then gave us a talk and a slideshow about the island. The collective lack of knowledge was displayed during children's Trivial Pursuit, Ormidale Hotel's pop quiz and their general knowledge quiz (although we did come third in that one!).

See you next year!


Oh yes, there are quotes. If there was a prize for the most quotable person Charlotte would win hands down. See the quotes board for some classics. If you have any quotes you'd like to add then please email them to Naomi.


If you have any you'd like added then please email them to Naomi.

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