Work package 4: Designing and evaluating interventions

Leads: Angela Attwood and Athene Lane

The ultimate goal of health research is to inform and improve real-world clinical practice. Members of Work Package 4 (WP4) conduct research that takes this next step in the translational pathway by designing and evaluating interventions.

WP4 members use several methods including in vivo modelling, feasibility studies and randomised pilot studies. We work closely with other units that support translational research including the Bristol Trial Centre (Bristol Randomised Trials Collaboration) and the NIHR Bristol Biomedical Research Centre. We emphasise digital innovation, including new technology to better measure and predict health outcomes and to deliver cost-effective interventions.

Areas of activity include the development and feasibility testing of novel interventions to reduce smoking, the feasibility (and effects) of increasing physical activity in recovering cancer patients, and modelling the relative influence of environment and genetic predisposition on cancer risk. The team will also take forward new ICEP discoveries into intervention targets and biomarkers for cancer prediction, treatment and recovery with the goal of implementation for public health benefit.

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