Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation

On July 5, we updated Blackboard to use the new Ultra Base Navigation. This update gives Blackboard a modern look and feel and provides easier access to important information.

Ultra Base Navigation has a modern, intuitive navigation menu that sits outside of courses and is always available.

Your courses will not change. They will look and operate exactly as they do now.

The benefits of Ultra Base Navigation include:

  • A modern, intuitive user experience.
  • Improved accessibility.
  • It works well on mobile devices. This navigation is designed to work well regardless of what device you’re using.
  • Just one click away. No matter where you are, UBN provides clearer paths to where you want to go, minimizing clicks and saving time.

Photo of students in a University of Bristol building. On top of a red overlay on the left, there is a button for staff and student login and another button for guests. There are 2 links for help for staff and students respectively under the first button and more helpful links at the bottom left of the page.

Blackboard Assist page, with 2 featured services, each with a button to Try it out and more services below that, all with a title, link and short description.

What to expect