Farm Animal

Farm animal research at the Bristol Veterinary School is conducted at various levels, both national and international, from studies on herds and flocks through whole animals, right down to their individual constituent cells and molecules. It is undertaken by members of the school's two major research themes (Population Health and Global Food Security) and includes researchers from many disciplines.

There is a large team (the AMR Force) investigating antimicrobial use and the development and distribution of resistant bacteria. Bristol Vet School is a member of the UK Centre for Innovation Excellence in Livestock. With the development of both the CIEL poultry research facility and the John Oldacre Farm Platform, a highly instrumented dairy farm on site, a wide range of data-intensive studies will be possible from Summer 2019.

Recent studies


Professor David Barrett
Professor of Bovine Medicine, Production and Reproduction

Related links

Within the University
Global Food Security

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