4) Next steps

4.1 Executive board

As established by the Renaming Principles, the University Executive Board will consider the evidence collected during the consultation, the research, this report and the recommendations of the community roundtable to arrive at a decision on building renaming, likely in Autumn 2023. This decision will be published once it is made.

However, the University is clear that its deliberation over its course of action on building renaming is a single step in a broader programme of institutional change. The community roundtable, at which the Vice Chancellor and other senior staff of the University were present, was an opportunity for dialogue on defining and delivering a programme of reparative justice with effected communities in Bristol.

4.2 Programme of reparative justice

As a result of the event, a programme is being planned for further discussion in the Autumn, to focus on four key themes:

4.2.1 Education

Key strands to this work include programme of education around the University’s links to the slave trade, its benefactors and donors and the modern impact of the practice for communities in Bristol and beyond. Programme to strengthen the University’s activity in the community’s education system, including actions to improve access to education and to university facilities.

4.2.2 Research

Recognising the need to work in partnership with communities on research for real-world impact. Providing access to research expertise, materials and facilities to develop citizen research skills and co-create a programme of action research that addresses the challenges of the city. Expanding international research partnerships to focus on the challenges of marginalised communities.

4.2.3 Civic engagement

To strengthen Bristol’s Civic University principles to acknowledge the institution’s ongoing debt to the city and its people. To participate as apartner in a co-designed programme to develop a new generation of civic leaders and community organisers across Bristol. To engage in Bristol’s civic structures to represent the interests of the city as a whole, and the part the University plays in its future.

4.2.4 Transparency and decision-making

Introducing a new structure for community oversight and scrutiny of the University’s decisions with real power to challenge. A renewed commitment to dialogue with the city with a view to discussing our impact on the city, our shared challenges and the possible solutions.

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