Consultation and Engagement Report
In June 2023 we engaged an independent consultant to write a report summing up our consultation and community engagement on the potential building renaming.
Report findings
The Consultation and Engagement Report looked at both the quantitative and qualitative data from the survey, in-person event, and community events. It also contextualises circumstances highlighted in the Legacies of Slavery report as well as the context of the city, other institutions’ process of renaming, and the University’s existing guidelines on naming and renaming buildings.
Looking at all the data, the report highlighted the following:
- Black respondents were more likely to favour retention of existing building names than white respondents, though the sample of Black respondents (3.9%) was small compared to white respondents (67.1%).
- Mixed or multiple ethnicity respondents were more in favour of changing building names with a 55% / 45% split.
- Black respondents and mixed / multiple ethnic groups were more likely to report a ‘major’ or ‘moderate’ impact of building names on them than other respondents.
- Younger generations and current members of the University are more likely to show support for renaming than older respondents, alumni, and members of the wider community.
The reasons respondents sought retention and removal of building names varied. Alumni and members of the wider Bristol community were significantly more likely to favour retention of current building names than members of the University staff or student body
Read the full Consultation and Engagement Report
How did we use the report?
We appointed an independent consultant to summarise the data we had collected over the course of the consultation. This was to give us a tool to help guide the debate and decision around the renaming. The report highlighted that there were many mixed feelings and motivators within our communities and it was crucial to take them all into account.
The University Executive Board used the findings of the report as well as considering our core mission, to be a place of research and education, to inform the decision about renaming our buildings and our ten-year Reparative Futures programme.
Learn more about the action we’re taking.
Vice-Chancellor's response
Read the Vice-Chancellor's response to the Consultation and Engagement Report.