Code of conduct: Postgraduate virtual events

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our virtual events. We want to ensure all participants and staff enjoy these events and are happy and safe.

Online code of conduct

By joining our events, you agree to the following statements in our code of conduct:

  • I will keep the link to join my taster session, live chat or webinar private – I understand it is intended solely for my use.
  • I will keep my personal contact information private during this event and will not ask others for their personal information.
  • This includes your full name and contact details such as your address, email, phone number, social media information, student ID number, and what other universities you may have applied for.
  • I will only use appropriate language and behaviour on the event chat or during video-based conversations.
  • In events where my camera is enabled, I am aware that if I turn on my camera, my background will be visible to others.
  • I will not share my screen during the event.
  • I will not take photos or screenshots of the session.
  • If you do not maintain our code of conduct, the University of Bristol reserves the right to remove you from the online event.

How we will keep you safe during your event

In Zoom webinars and Q&A sessions:

  • Your mic and camera will automatically be turned off.
  • Please use the Q&A box to ask questions to the panel.
  • Please change your display name to your first name and the first initial of your last name – for example “Samira A”.

In Zoom meetings:

  • Please change your display name to your full name and the first initial of your last name – for example “Samira A”. The event host will make this change if you have not done so in advance.
  • We will share good online etiquette with you when you join the event.
  • We will advise you to sit in a space with a plain background before you are able to turn on your camera.

What to do if you have any concerns

If you are concerned about anything that happens during your event, please email our team at

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