Money worries

What to do if you're worried about money and debt at university.

The most important thing to remember is not to worry about your finances alone. We can help and discuss what options are available to you.

Talk to someone

If you are concerned or need extra support, speak to a Money Adviser. We offer daily drop-in sessions on MS Teams, Monday - Friday, 10 am -11 am and 2 pm - 3 pm.

Or you can book a 1 to 1, 15-minute appointment with a Money Advisor by calling Student Services on 0117 428 3000. Appointments are held via MS Teams or by phone.

You can also request wellbeing support or contact your personal tutor.

Bank accounts

You may benefit from opening a student bank account which offers an interest free overdraft.

There is useful information for students on the Money Saving Expert website.

Part-time work 

If you are struggling to make ends meet, think about whether you can remove any costs or have ways to increase your income. Options for increasing your income include getting a part-time job. The Careers Service offers information and advice on finding a part-time job or a paid internship.

Apply for hardship funds

The Financial Assistance Fund provides a safety net if you find yourself in financial difficulties during your studies.

The Digital Support Fund provides financial help towards the cost of IT equipment needed for your course. This fund is only available to students who cannot buy this equipment because of financial difficulties.

Dealing with debt

If you are in debt, speak to a debt advice service such as: 

These services can provide free, confidential advice on managing debt.

Arrange realistic payment plans based on the funds you have available. Prioritise paying off debts before spending out on other things. 

If you get a bad credit rating now, this could affect your future eligibility for other loans. This includes loans for mortgages, further education and credit cards. Bad credit rating will not be written off just because you are a student.

There are webpages where you can check your credit rating for free. The Debt Advice Foundation offers a student debt guide.

Plan ahead

Saving a little money each month means less anxiety and stress in unexpected circumstances. This can give you peace of mind throughout the year.

Don't give in to the pressure of what your peers are spending money on. Be strong and stick to your budgets.

Money advice drop ins

If you have a funding worry or query, join an online drop-in Monday to Friday.

No need to book, select the link of the drop-in you want to attend, and an adviser will be with you shortly.

Or you can contact us by email:

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