Students with dependants
Any student with children under 15, or under 17 if they have special educational needs, or dependant adults may be eligible for extra financial assistance.
Students from England
You can apply for extra support from Student Finance England.
- Childcare Grant - Full-time undergraduate students eligible for student finance can apply to receive 85% of their childcare costs or a fixed maximum amount, whichever is less. This grant is paid directly to the student’s childcare provider, which must be registered with Ofsted.
- Parents’ Learning Allowance - For full-time undergraduate students eligible for student finance who have children.
- Adult Dependants’ Grant - For full-time undergraduate students eligible for student finance with an adult who depends on them financially.
Students from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
- Student Finance Wales supports eligible students from Wales with Childcare Grants, Parents’ Learning Allowance, and Adult Dependants’ Grants.
- Student Finance Northern Ireland provides funding support to students from Northern Ireland with Childcare Grants, Parents’ Learning Allowance, and Adult Dependants Grants.
- Student Awards Agency Scotland provides funding support to students from Scotland.
Universal Credit Benefit
Eligible students (responsible for a child/disabled students) may be able to claim Universal Credit during term time and possibly in full over the summer. Speak to a student student Money adviser to find out more.
Financial Assistance Fund
The Financial Assistance Fund supports Home (UK) and EU/international undergraduate and postgraduate students with particular financial difficulties. The fund's purpose is to help you access and remain in higher education.
Funding enquiries or money worries
Money advice and funding queries:
Call our Student Services:
+44 (0)117 428 3000