ERC/Horizon Europe open access policy

Outputs that need to be open access

  • Journal Articles
  • Peer Reviewed Conference Papers in proceedings with an ISSN Number
  • Books, chapters and Monographs
  • All other peer reviewed research publications

Open Access Funding

Horizon Europe allow you to pay for fully open access journal fees from your grant. You can also use our open access deals to get gold open access in hybrid journals at no cost to you.


The Plan S Journal Checker Tool will tell you if you can publish compliantly in a journal. You can use our Horizon Europe Open Access Policy Flowchart (PDF, 117kB) to interpret the results and our Open Access for Journal Articles page for instructions on how to make the article open access.

A publication is considered compliant if:

  • The accepted manuscript is available in Pure, immediately on publication, with no embargo and with a CC-BY licence


  • The final published version is available in Pure, immediately on publication, with no embargo and with a CC-BY licence

Books and other longform works may use the Creative Commons Non-Commercial or No Derivative licences.

If you are publishing gold open access, you must also upload a copy of the final published version to Pure.

Deposit in other repositories, such as arXiv can also be compliant, but we still need a record in Pure for audit purposes.

Article/Book Processing charges

If you need to pay an Article Processing Charge for a fully open access journal (i.e. a journal that is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals) or a Book Processing Charge for a fully open access book or chapter, you should pay from it from your grant using your normal grant expense process. You do not need to contact the library to arrange payment. You cannot pay for articles in hybrid journals, but your open access fees can still be covered by one of our open access deals.

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