Open access books and book chapters

Open Access isn’t just for journal article and conference papers. The same principles can be applied to books and book chapters, increasing the profile of your work and ensuring that disadvantaged readers have access. 

Funder policies are starting to incorporate books and book chapters. This page provides a brief overview of funder requirements and the open access options available to you. For an in-depth look at open access books, you may find the OAPEN OA Books Toolkit useful.

Funder requirements 

UKRI funded authors 

UKRI's Open Access policy for Books and Book Chapters applies to works published from the 1st of January 2024. Monographs, Edited Collections and Book Chapters that acknowledge a UKRI grant must be made open access with a Creative Commons license (Preferably CC-BY, but other licenses are permitted) and with no more than a 12-month embargo.

UKRI have fund to cover open access fees associated with this. They have set limits on the fees they are prepared to pay. They will pay for Book Processing Charges up to £10,000 including VAT, and Chapter Processing Charges up to £1,000 including VAT. To apply for this fund please fill out the UKRI open access monograph, book chapter and edited collection claim form, and the Open Access Team will contact you.  

UKRI open access monograph, book chapter and edited collection claim form

Please note: If you have signed an agreement with a publisher before 1/1/24 that prevents following this policy, UKRI have said that you do not need to follow their requirements. 

Wellcome Trust funded authors 

The Wellcome Trust policy on Books and Book Chapters requires that books and book chapters authored or co-authored by Wellcome Trust grant holders be: 

  • Made freely available through NCBI Bookshelf PubMed Central (PMC) and Europe PMC as soon as possible and no later than within 6 months of the official final publication date 

  • If a gold open access fee has been paid by Wellcome, then the work must also be published under a Creative Commons license (CC-BY is preferred) 

The Wellcome Trust will provide funding for gold open access fees associated with monographs and book chapters. See their webpage on how to request open access funding for books and book chapters 

Horizon Europe/ERC funded authors

The Horizon Europe Open Science policy requires that books and book chapters authored or co-authored by Horizon Europe grant holders be made open access with a CC-BY licence.

This can be achieved by publishing with a publisher that permits green open access without an embargo. Alternatively you can publish with a gold open access publisher. However, you will need to pay any open access fees from your grant.

Other funders 

You should check with your funder before selecting a publisher to see if they have an Open Access policy for books. 

Authorswith no funding grant 

There are no requirements for authors without specific funder grants to make books and, book chapters open access. However, it may still be possible to do so if you pick a publisher that allows their work to be uploaded to Pure or that does not charge for gold open access. 

Open Access book Publishers

The table below lists some examples of book publishers that offer Open Access options. The Gold OA column indicates if the publisher offers Open Access on their webpages. This often involves a fee, but some publishers have other methods of funding and do not charge authors to publish. The Green OA column indicates what can be uploaded to a repository such as Pure. A fee is not required for green open access.


Gold OA option

(Open access from the publisher's website, immediately upon publication)

Green OA option

(Open access through a repository such as Pure) 

Amsterdam University Press Available for books or edited collections Whole book
Accepted manuscript. No embargo
Bloomsbury Academic Available for books, handbooks and edited collections Single book chapter or author’s own chapter
Accepted manuscript/publisher version, 6 month embargo
Brill Available for books and individual book chapters Part of book/monograph
Permission must be requested
Bristol University Press Available for Books. University of Bristol authors can get a 10% discount on their book publishing fees

Single chapter or equivalent. 
Accepted Manuscript. 24 month embargo

Cambridge University Press Available for books Single book chapter
Accepted manuscript/publisher version, 6 month embargo
Central European University (CEU) Press Available for books and individual book chapters

Whole book
Accepted manuscript, 24 month embargo

De Gruyter Available for books and collected volumes  -
Edinburgh University Press Available for monographs and individual book chapters Whole monograph
PDF proof on institutional repository. 36 month embargo
Edward Elgar Publishing Available for books Single book chapter
Submitted manuscript (Not compliant with UKRI/Wellcome policy), 6 month embargo
Elsevier Available for books Authors wishing to self-archive book chapters can reach out to Global Rights to seek the relevant permissions
Liverpool University Press Available for books and individual book chapters Whole monograph
Original manuscript, 24 month embargo
Manchester University Press Available for books, edited volumes and individual book chapters

Single book chapter
Accepted manuscript, 18 month embargo

Mattering Press Available for books N/A - Fully gold open access publisher
Mayfly Books Available for books. No requirement for authors to pay. (Funded through donations) N/A - Fully gold open access publisher
Meson Press Available for books N/A - Fully gold open access publisher
MIT Press Available for books. No requirement for authors to pay. (Funded through print sales and Library Consortium Membership) N/A - Fully gold open access publisher
Oxford University Press Available for books Single chapter or up to 10%
Accepted manuscript. 12 month embargo for Science, Technology or Medicine books. 24 month embargo for Academic Trade and reference books.
Open Book Publishers Available for books. No requirement for authors to pay. (Funded through print sales and Library Consortium Membership) N/A - Fully gold open access publisher
Open Humanities Press Available for books. No requirement for authors to pay. (Funded through Library Consortium Membership) N/A - Fully gold open access publisher
Palgrave Macmillan Available for academic books and individual book chapters Single chapter or up to 10%
Accepted Manuscript, 24 month embargo
Punctum Books Available for books. No requirement for authors to pay. (Funded through Library Consortium Membership) N/A - Fully gold open access publisher 
Sage Available for books One chapter – Certain book types only

See Sage’s Archiving Policy for details

Springer Available for books and individual book chapters Single chapter

See Springer’s Archiving Policy for details (The relevant section is: Self-archiving of books and chapters published via the subscription route)

Taylor & Francis / Routledge Available for books and individual book chapters Single book chapter
Accepted Manuscript, 18 month embargo for Humanities and Social Sciences. 12 month embargo for STEM.
Ubiquity Press Available for books N/A – Open Access Publisher
UCL Press Available for books, edited volumes, and textbooks N/A – Open Access Publisher
University of Wales Press Available for books and individual chapters Single book chapter
Accepted manuscript, 36 month embargo
White Rose University Press Available for books N/A – Open Access Publisher
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