Cancer Research UK (CRUK) open access policy

Outputs that need to be open access

  • Journal Articles

Books, Book chapters, Comment pieces, editorials, book reviews and similar articles do not need to be made open access, though you can still make them open access using the Scholarly Works Policy.

Conference Papers do not need to be made open access to meet CRUK’s requirements but should still be made open access for the REF policy.

Open Access Funding

CRUK provide the university with a small block grant to pay for fully open access journal fees. The grant often runs out before the end of the funding year, so please ensure you fill out an open access claim form before submitting to a journal that has Article Processing Charges.

You can also use our open access deals to get gold open access in hybrid journals at no cost to you.


Follow the instructions on our Open Access for Journal Articles page and the Cancer Research UK Open Access Policy Flowchart (PDF, 99kB) so that either:

  • The final published version is available immediately on publication on the publisher's website with a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) licence, and is available in Europe PubMed Central immediately on publication.


  • The Accepted Manuscript is available in Europe PubMed Central immediately on publication with a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) licence.

If needed, researchers can apply to CRUK to use a CC-BY-ND licence.

While upload of the accepted manuscript to EPMC is sufficient for this policy, we still need a record in Pure for audit purposes.

All articles should include a data access statement.

Additional Resources

Make an Open Access Claim

Make a claim for gold open access publication of a CRUK funded paper.

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