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Learning how to Navigate your way around Climate Change issues

5 April 2023

Jack Nicholls designed and led another successful Mock COP, supported by the Cabot Institute and FUTURES festival.

The event gave students the opportunity to experience what an intergovernmental climate negotiation involves, to gain insight into real-world political decision-making and to engage with research. 48 (15-18 year-old) students strategically navigated their way through a day of climate negotiations, representing organisations and countries such as Shell and Brazil, with the support of a group of University of Bristol student facilitators. This was the fourth Mock COP Jack has run, with over 140 secondary state school students having now taken part in this rich learning opportunity. The event materials have also been shared under a creative commons license in the run-up to COP 26, and several UK Universities have now run their own Mock COPs. Further details of the Bristol event can be found:



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