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Results from REF2021 for Politics and Sociology confirm the excellence of SPAIS research

12 May 2022

The results of REF2022 show that 92% of Politics, and 85% of Sociology, research in SPAIS is world-leading/internationally excellent. 

SPAIS made submissions to UoA19 Politics and International Studies and UoA21 Sociology in REF2021. 

89% and 81.8% of our outputs were assessed as world-leading/internationally excellent, with 41.8% of Sociology’s outputs assessed as 4*/world-leading: a testament to the value we place on fostering diverse research areas and approaches in SPAIS. 

We are delighted to see that our commitment to research that makes a difference reflected in the assessments of our Politics impact case studies as 100%, and Sociology impact case studies as 85%, world-leading/internationally excellent. 

Our commitments to fostering an inclusive and vibrant research culture are recognised in the assessments of Politics’ research environment as 87%, and Sociology’s as 100%, world-leading/internationally excellent. 

Well done to all our research, teaching and professional services staff, PGR students and the SPAIS community for your contributions to enabling our world-class research.

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