Executing Agreements as Deeds 

The University Charter states that the Board of Trustees has the power to direct the use of the University seal.  This power is delegated by the Board of Trustees to specified University officers and members of staff.  The function of applying the University seal to deeds and other documents is overseen by the Office of the University Secretary. 

If you need a document executed on behalf of the University of Bristol as a Deed, please: 

  1. Give us no less than 2 weeks notice - ideally more. Only members of the Executive Group are able to witness the sealing of documents on behalf of the Board of Trustees. Their diaries are busy. We need to be able to ask them with plenty of notice. 
  2. Ensure your document contains the correct execution wording: Attestation Clause (Office document, 41kB)
  3. Complete the Sealing Request form (Office document, 34kB) ensuring all fields are completed in full. It is your responsibility to ensure the form is fully completed before being submitted or your sealing request will not be approved. 
  4. Submit the form and all documentation to the Governance Team email: governance@bristol.ac.uk
  5. We will arrange a sealing date and confirm this to you. (Please do not request for a Sealing date to be arranged until your documents are ready for submission).
  6. Hard copy documents to be sealed are to be sent directly to the Executive Support Team at Front Reception, Vice-Chancellors Office, 5 Tyndall Avenue (execteam-support@bristol.ac.uk) to arrive at Tyndall Avenue no less than 2 clear working days before the sealing date. Please do not email. These will not be printed for colleagues. 
  7. We will inform you once your documents are sealed and ready for collection.

Request Form Submission Deadline:  12 February 2025

The next Sealing date: 20 February 2025