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Dr Craig Gunn features in ‘Telegraph’ article with other psychologists on why party drinking hits ‘midlifers’ so hard.

4 January 2024

In this article experts discuss the effect alcohol has on your body and what you can do to protect yourself.

Dr Craig Gunn has recently featured in an article for the ‘Telegraph’, along with other experts. The article accesses the damage that ‘party drinking’ can cause and share tips for recovering quicker, or avoiding the hangover all together.

In his comment, Craig talks about Anxiety and Depression, and the effect of alcohol on our brain chemicals. He said:

“The effects of alcohol are generally considered to be biphasic. At low to moderate blood alcohol concentrations (BAC) people may experience a stimulant-like effect where they have increased sociability, relaxation, and a sense of euphoria. However, as blood alcohol concentration increases, it acts as a depressant.

“Dopamine is often lower during a hangover.

“This may contribute to a negative mood and some of the negative effects on our thought processes.”

Further information

You can download the full article here: Telegraph - Hangovers (PDF, 6,004kB)

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