Postgraduate virtual visit days

Since 2010, an academic partnership between the School of Experimental Psychology and North Bristol NHS Trust has delivered educational courses and professionally accredited training in Clinical Neuropsychology. We run online open days that provide an overview of the different courses we offer and the benefits of studying at Bristol. These open days include an opportunity for you to ask questions about the Neuropsychology courses and talk with some of the teaching staff.


Upcoming open day dates for 2020

Weds February 12th, 14:00 - see link in the box on the right

Tues March 10th, 14:00 - see link in the box on the right

Weds April 8th, 14:00  - see link in the box on the right


Past recordings

For a recording of the talk on our MSc in Applied Neuropsychology from the virtual open day on 10/05/2018, please see the click here. If you have any questions then feel free to email the deputy academic director:

Please note that the recording is presented within the adobe connect platform and you will need to accept the plugin required for the platform to work within your browser.

Virtual open day

All events will be hosted via the Adobe Connect platform. Once you have clicked the link above, please select the option to enter the ‘meeting room’ as a guest and accept the plug-in that allows the platform to work. The link is active now, so you are able to check connectivity in advance. There are sometimes difficulties accessing this software when using an iPad, so we would advise checking this beforehand or using an alternative device. There is a chat box in the bottom right of the screen for you to type questions, and we will explain how to enable microphones on the day.

enter event

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