(3) Open Seminar:
Tackling Child Poverty: Lessons from the UK and New Frontiers in Japan



Venue: Doshisha University, Kyoto
Time: January 9th, 2012 10:00~17:00

10.00 — Opening Words
Toshiaki Tachibanaki, Doshisha University

10.10 — Session 1: Child Benefits
Jonathan Bradshaw, University of York:
The New Government and Family Related Benefits in the UK

Michihiko Tokoro, Osaka City University:
Policy Responses to Child Poverty and the Limits of Japanese Welfare System: Lessons from Child Benefit Reform

12.00 — Lunch

10.10 — Session 2: Understanding Child Poverty and Social Exclusion
Moderator: Hirotoshi Yano, Mukogawa Women's University

Esther Dermott, University of Bristol:
Promoting Parenting: a UK response to improving outcomes for children

Comment: Aya ABE (IPSS)

Ichiro Matsumoto, Hokkaido University:
Child poverty and 'overlapping disadvantages'

Comment: Christina Pantazis (University of Bristol)

14.45 — Break

10.10 — Session 3 Tackling Child Poverty
Moderator: M.Mensendiek, Doshisha University

Naomi Yuzawa, Rikkyo University:
Child poverty and social work

Comment: Aya ABE (IPSS)

T. Uzuhashi, Doshsiha University:
Enhancing 'Competency of Children in Poverty (in Japanese)
Poverty and Competency of Children (in English)

Comment: David Gordon (University of Bristol)

16.45 — Closing Words

17.15 — Close

Ichiro Matsumoto

Ichiro Matsumoto is professor at Graduate School of Education (Educational Social Sciences), Hokkaido University, a member of Centre for Environmental and Health Sciences. His professional field is poverty study, education welfare and child welfare, and major research themes cover child poverty and social exclusion, the social independence of children from orphanages, comparative research of child abuse in Japan and the UK. He serves as the representative director of NPO Corporation "CAN" in which the independent support homes are run in Sapporo, the editor of the research journal The Study of Poverty (Akashi Shoten) and the quarterly journal Child Care, and the councillor of Japanese Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect.

Selected Recent Publications

"Social Welfare Policy and the Presence of Low Income and Poor" in Watanabe, S. (eds.) Social Policy for the 21st Century (in Japanese), Houritsu Bunka Sha (1996)

"Education Welfare Issues and Social Welfare Practice" in Hasegawa, M., Kobe, K. and Matsui, K. (eds.) Child's Life and Support (in Japanese), Minerva (1996)

Child Abuse: Between the Intervention and Support (in Japanese), with Kobayashi, M. (eds.), Akashi Shoten (2007)

Child Poverty: For Equality of Childhood Happiness (in Japanese), with Asai, H., Yuzawa, N. (eds.), Akashi Shoten (2008)

Child Abuse and Poverty: Towards a Society without Forgotten Children (eds., in Japanese), Akashi Shoten (2010)

