



I. 理論・概念・測定方法
II. 子ども
III. 若者
IV. 労働者
V. 高齢者
VI. ジェンダー →
VII. エスニシティ
VIII. 医療
IX. 住宅
X. 都市・地域研究

VI. ジェンダー

UK Academic Books and Chapters

Bradshaw, J., Finch, N., Kemp, P., Mayhew, E. and Williams, J. (2003) Gender and Poverty in Britain, Working paper series, no. 6, Manchester: Equal Opportunities Commission

Daly, M. (1989) Women and Poverty, Attic Press: London

Glendinning, C. and Millar, J. (1992) (Eds.) Women and Poverty in Britain: the 1990s, London: Harvester Wheatsheaf

Levitas, R.A. (1998) 'Equality, Difference and Utopian Feminism: Britain 1820-1840', in Akkerman, T. and Suurman, S. (eds.) Perspectives on Feminist Thought in European History, London: Routledge, pp.150-167

Millar, J. (2010) "The United Kingdom: The Feminization of Poverty?" in Goldberg, G. S. (eds.) Poor Women in Rich Countries: The Feminization of Poverty over the Life Course, New York: Oxford University Press, pp.121-151

Pantazis, C. and Ruspini, E. (2005) "Gender, Poverty and Social Exclusion" in Gordon, D., Levitas, R. and Pantazis, C. (eds.) Poverty and Social Exclusion in Britain: The Millennium Survey, Bristol: The Policy Press, pp.375-403

UK Academic Articles

Davis, H. and Joshi, H. (1998) Gender and Income Inequality in the UK 1968–90: the Feminization of Earnings or of poverty? , Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, Vol.161, No.1, pp.33-61

Harkness, S. (1996) The Gender Earning Gap: Evidence from the UK, Fiscal Studies, Vol.17, No.2, pp.1-36

Lewis, J. and Campbell, M. (2007) UK Work/Family Balance Policies and Gender Equality, 1997–2005, Social Politics:International Studies in Gender, State and Society, Vol.14, No.1, pp.4-30

Millar, J. and Glendinning, C. (1989) Gender and Poverty, Journal of Social Policy, Vol.18, No.3, pp.363-381

Millar J (2003) Gender, Poverty and Social Exclusion, Social Policy and Society, Vol.2, No.3, pp.181-188

Paull, G. (2006) The Impact of Children on Women's Paid Work, Fiscal Studies, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 473-512

Walby, S. (2005) Gender Mainstreaming: Productive Tensions in Theory and Practice, Social Policy, Vol.12, No.3, pp.321-343

UK Government Reports

Brewer, M. and Paull, G. (2006) Newborns and New Schools: Critical Times in Women's Employment, DWP Research Report No. 308, London: Department for Work and Pensions

UK Other Key Reports

Chant, S. (2003) Female Household Headship and the Feminisation of Poverty: Facts, Fictions and Forward Strategies, New Working Paper Series, Issue 9, Gender Institute, London: London School of Economics and Political Science

Oxfam (2008) Oxfam Submission to NAP 2008- Women and Social Exclusion, Gender Works, UK: Oxfam GB

Oxfam (2009) Gender and Social Inclusion, Gender Works, UK: Oxfam GB

Women's Budget Group (2008) Women and Poverty: Experiences, Empowerment and Engagement, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Japan Academic Books and Chapters

Axinn, J. (1990) "Japan: A Special Case" in Goldberg, G.S. and Kremen, E. (eds.) The Feminization of Poverty: Only in America? , USA: The Greenwood Press, pp.91-106

Boling, P. (2007) "Policies to Support Working Mothers and Children in Japan" in Rosenbluth, F.M. (eds.) The Political Economy of Japan's Low Fertility, Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp.132-154

Equal Employment, Children and Families Bureau, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (2003) Towards the Resolution of Income Gap between Men and Women: Study Group Report on the Issue of Wage Disparities between Men and Women, National Printing Bureau (in Japanese); (厚生労働省雇用均等児童家庭局 [2003] 「男女間の賃金格差の解消に向けて―男女間の賃金格差問題に関する研究会報告」国立印刷局)

Higuchi, Y., Ota, K. and Household Economics Institute (2004) Heisei Recession of Women: How Did Life and Work Change in Deflation? Nihon Keizai Shimbun (in Japanese); (樋口 美雄・太田 清・家計経済研究所編 [2004]「女性たちの平成不況―デフレで働き方・暮らしはどう変わったか」日本経済新聞社)

Ito, P. (2002) "Gender and Welfare State Restructuring in Japan" in Aspalter, C. (eds.) Discovering the Welfare State in East Asia, Westport: Praeger Publishers

Kawahara, K. (2005) "Women's Poverty and Welfare Policy: Protection against Homeless Poverty" in Iwata, M. and Nishizawa, A. (eds.) Poverty and Social Exclusion: What Undermine the Social Welfare, Minerva, pp.195-222 (in Japanese); (川原恵子 [2005]「福祉政策と女性の貧困ーホームレス状態の貧困に対する施設保護」(岩田正美・西沢晃彦編「貧困と社会的排除―福祉社会を蝕むもの」ミネルヴァ書房),195-222ページ。)

Kimoto, K. and Hagiwara, K. (2010) "Feminization of Poverty in Japan: A Special Case?" in Goldberg, G. S. (eds.) Poor Women in Rich Countries: the Feminization of Poverty over the Life Course, New York: Oxford University Press, pp.202-229

Murozumi, M. (2006) Poverty in Japan: Consideration of Household and Gender, Horitsubunkasha (in Japanese); (室住真麻子 [2006]「日本の貧困―家計とジェンダーからの考察」法律文化社)

Osawa, M. (2004) (Eds.) Gender and Welfare State, (Contemporary Economy, Society and Gender Series), Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (大沢真理編 [2004]「福祉国家とジェンダー」(叢書 現代の経済・社会とジェンダー 第4巻)明石書店)

Osawa, M. (2007) "Comparative Livelihood Social Security System from a Gender Perspective, with a Focus on Japan" in Walby, S., Gottfried, H., Gottschall, C. and Osawa, M. (eds.) Gendering the Knowledge Economy: Comparative Perspectives, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.81-108

Society for Study of Working Women (2006) (Eds.) Poverty and Exhaustion: Now of Female Labour, Society for Study of Working Women (in Japanese); (女性労働問題研究会編 [2006]「貧困と疲弊―女性労働のいま」女性労働問題研究会)

Sugimoto, T. (2004) Gender Structure of Welfare Society, Keisoshobo (in Japanese); (杉本貴代栄 [2004]「福祉社会のジェンダー構造」勁草書房)

Yoshii, H. (2010) (Eds.) Diversity of Sexuality and Exclusion, Akashi Shoten (in Japanese); (好井裕明編 [2010]「セクシュアリティの多様性と排除」 (差別と排除の〔いま〕 第6巻) 明石書店)

Japan Academic Articles

Abe, M. (2005) Employment Difference and Wage Disparities, the Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, No.538, pp.15-31 (in Japanese); (阿部正浩 [2005]「男女の雇用格差と賃金格差」『日本労働研究雑誌』No.538, 15-31ページ。

Abe, Y. (2011) The Equal Employment Opportunity Law and Labor Force Behavior of Women in Japan, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol.25, No.1, pp.39-55

Aoki, O and Aoki, D.M. (2005) Invisible Poverty in Japan: Case Studies and Realities of Single Mothers, Journal of Poverty, Vol.9, No.1, pp.1-21

Edwards, L. N. (1994) The Status of Women in Japan: Has the Equal Employment Opportunity Law Made a Difference, Journal of Asian Economics, Vol.5, No.2, pp.217-240

Hori, H. (2009) Labor Market Segmentation and the Gender Wage Gap, Japan Labour Review, Vol.6, No.1,pp.5-20

Ishizawa, N. (1997) The Activities of Older Women's League, American Studies, No.31, pp.107-115 (in Japanese); (石澤なおこ[1997]「高齢女性連盟の活動」『アメリカ研究』No.31, 107-115ページ。)

Kawaguchi, D. (2007) A Market Test for Sex Discrimination: Evidence from Japanese Firm-Level Panel Data, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol.25, No.3, pp.441-460

Kawaguchi, D. and Yamada, K. (2007) The Impact of Minimum Wage on Female Employment in Japan, Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol.25, No.1, pp.107-118

Osawa, M. (2010) Gender Bias Redistribution Aggravates Poverty in Japan, Trends in the Science, Vol.15, No.1, pp.52-54 (in Japanese); (大澤真理 [2010]「再分配のジェンダー・バイアスが貧困を深めている」『学術の動向』Vol.15, No.1, 52-54ページ。)

Sasatani, H. and Kato, K. (1993) Women and Poverty: New Problems Relevant to Gender, Family and Social Class, Contemporary Sociological Studies, Vol.6, pp. 106-131 (in Japanese); (笹谷春美・加藤喜久子 [1993]「女性と貧困 : 性・家族・階層をめぐる新たな問題」『現代社会学研究』第6巻、106-131ページ。)

Shuto, W. (2009) Occupational Sex Segregation and the Japanese Employment Model: Case Studies of the Railway and Automobile Industries, Japan Labour Review, Vol.6, No.1, pp.21-35

Smith, R.J. (1987) Gender Inequality in Contemporary Japan, Journal of Japanese Studies, Vol.13, No.1, pp.1-25

Takenobu, M. (2010) Japanese Women Labor: Discrimination Correction to Lack in a Tool, Trends in the Sciences, Vol.15, No.9, pp.30-35 (in Japanese); (竹信三恵子 [2010]「日本の女性労働―ツールを欠く差別是正」『学術の動向』Vol.15, No.9, 30-35ページ。)

Tamiya, Y. (2006) Why Japan's Single Mothers are Poor, People's Plan, No.35, pp.96-103 (in Japanese); (田宮遊子 [2006] 「なぜ日本のシングルマザーは貧困なのか 」(特集 マルチチュード/ピープル/プレカリアート--グローバリゼーションに対抗する主体を構想する) 」『季刊ピープルズ・プラン』No.35, 96-103ページ。)

Tamiya, Y. (2009) Poverty of Elder Women: The Problem of No Pension and Low Pension, Women's Asia 21, No.57, pp.16-18 (in Japanese); (田宮遊子 [2009]「高齢女性の貧困--無年金・低年金問題を中心に 」(特集 女性の貧困--何が見えなくしてきたのか?)『女たちの21世紀』No.57, 16-18ページ。

Umino, E. (1999) A View on "Feminization of Poverty": A Statistical Study on Poverty of Elder Women in Japan, Japanese Journal of Social Welfare, Vol.39, No.2, pp.155-171 (in Japanese); (海野恵美子 [1999]「日本での「貧困の女性化」についての1考察 : 高齢女性の貧困の統計的検討」『社会福祉学』Vol.39, No.2, 通号59, 155-171ページ。)

Yamada, A., Kobayashi, E. and Liang, J. (2011) Why Do Older Single Women Fall into Poverty Easily?, The Study of Poverty, No.7, pp.110-122 (in Japanese); (山田 篤裕・小林 江里香・Jersey Liang [2011]「なぜ日本の単身高齢女性は貧困に陥りやすいのか」『貧困研究』No.7, 110-122ページ。)

Japan Government Reports

Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (2010) Guidelines for the Resolution of the Wage Gap between Men and Women, Tokyo: Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (in Japanese); (厚生労働省 [2010] 「男女間の賃金格差解消のためのガイドライン」)

Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (2012) The Status of Implementation of Measures to Support Employment of the Mother of Fatherless Families in 2007, Tokyo: Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (in Japanese); (厚生労働省 [2012] 「平成19年度 母子家庭の母の就業支援施策の実施状況」)

Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (2012) Actual State of Working Women in 2011, Tokyo: Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (in Japanese); (厚生労働省 [2012] 「平成23年 働く女性の実情」)

Japan Other Key Reports

Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training (2008) Study on Employment Support for Single-Female Parent, JILPT Research Report 101

Comparative Academic Books and Chapters

Asakura, M. (1991) Theory of Equal Employment Law for Men and Women: Britain and Japan, Domesu Shuppan (in Japanese); (浅倉むつ子 [1991] 「男女雇用平等法論―イギリスと日本」ドメス出版)

Nishikawa, M. (1997) Occupational Sex Segregation: A Comparative Study between Britain and Japan, Ph.D. Dissertation, Oxford: University of Oxford

Walby, S., Gottfried, H., Gottschall, C. and Osawa, M. (2007) (Eds.) Gendering the Knowledge Economy: Comparative Perspectives, New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Comparative Academic Articles

Ito, P. (1999) Cash, Care and Women's Civil Rights in Japanese-style Welfare State: Clues to Gender Discussion of Family Policy, International Social Security Research, No.127, pp.24-37 (in Japanese); (イト・ベング [1999] 「日本型福祉国家におけるキャッシュとケアと女性の市民権―家族政策のジェンダー議論を手がかりに―」『海外社会保障研究』No.127, 24-37ページ。)

Maruyama, K. (2007) International Comparison of Women and Pensions, International Social Security Research, No. 158, pp.18-29 (in Japanese); (丸山 桂 [2007] 「女性と年金に関する国際比較」『海外社会保障研究』No.158, 18-29ページ。)

Radford, L. and Tsutsumi, K. (2004) Globalization and Violence against Women-Inequalities in Risks, Responsibilities and Blame in the UK and Japan, Women's Studies International Forum, Vol.27, No.1, pp.1-12

Sekine, M., Tatsuse, T., Kagamimori, S., Chandola, T., Cable, N., Marmot, M., Martikainen, P., Lallukka, T., Rahkonen, O. and Lahelma, E. (2011) Sex Inequalities in Physical and Mental Functioning of British, Finnish, and Japanese Civil Servants: Role of Job Demand, Control and Work Hours, Social Science & Medicine, No.73, pp.595-603

Sheng, X.W., Stockman, N. and Bonny, N. (1992) The Dual Burden: The East and West (Women's Working Lives in China, Japan and Great Britain), International Sociology, Vol.7, No.2, pp.209-223

Shirahase, S. (2003) The Welfare State Regime and Gender Division of Labour within the Household: An Essay on the Comparative Welfare State from the Perspective of Gender, International Social Security Research, No. 142, pp.65-77 (in Japanese); (白波瀬佐和子 [2003] 「福祉国家レジームと世帯内性別役割分業:ジェンダーからみた比較福祉国家試論」『海外社会保障研究』No.142, 65-77ページ。)

Waldfogel, J., Higuchi, Y. and Abe, M. (1998) Maternity Leave Policies and Women's Employment after Childbirth: Evidence from the United States, Britain and Japan, CASE paper 3, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics and Political Sciences, London