alt="Picture of Clifton suspension bridge Bristol" " " alt="Placental Uptake and Transfer of Environmental Chemicals Relating to Allergy in Childhood Years"

University of Bristol
Publications Relevant to the Project

Plebanski, M, Saunders, M, Burtles, SS, Crowe, S and Hooper DC (1992) Primary and secondary human in vitro T-cell responses to soluble antigens are mediated by subsets bearing different CD4 isoforms. Immunol. 75: 86-91

Palmer, AM, Saunders, M, James, PR, and Preece AW (1993) Placental transfer and fetal biodistribution of radioiodine in the guinea pig. J. Nucl. Med. 34: 156-157

Palmer, AM and Preece, AW (1998) Placental transfer of medical radionuclides in the guinea pig and mouse. Rad. Prot. Dosim. 79: 317-321

Palmer, AM, Saunders, M, Whittle, S, and Preece, AW (1998) Transfer of radiopharmaceuticals across the human placenta in vitro compared with an in vivo animal model. Nucl. Med. Comm. 19: 393

Iwi, G, Millard, RK, Palmer, AM, Preece, AW, and Saunders, M (1999) Bootstrap resampling: a powerful method of assessing confidence intervals for doses from experimental data. Phys. Med. Biol. 44: N55-62

Millard, RK, Saunders, M, Palmer AM, and Preece AW (2001) Approximate distribution of dose among foetal organs for radioiodine uptake via placenta transfer. Phys. Med. Biol. 46: 2773-2783

Saunders M, Palmer AM, Preece AW and Millard R (2002) Model-based comparison of maternal and foetal organ doses from 99mTc pertechnetate, DMSA, DTPA, HDP, MAA and MAG3 diagnostic intakes during pregnancy. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (In press)

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