alt="Picture of Clifton suspension bridge Bristol" " " alt="Placental Uptake and Transfer of Environmental Chemicals Relating to Allergy in Childhood Years"

Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University
Publications Relevant to the Project

Albalak R, Keeler GJ, Frisancho AR, Haber M. (1999) Assessment of PM10 concentrations from domestic biomass fuel combustion in two rural Bolivian highland villages. Environ. Science & Technol. 33:2505-2509.

Albalak R, Frisancho AR, Keeler GJ. (1999) Domestic biomass fuel combustion and chronic bronchitis in two rural Bolivian Villages. Thorax 54:11: 1104-1108.

Frisancho AR, Frisancho HG, Milotich M, Albalak R, Brutsaert T, Spielvogel H, Villena M, and Vargas E. (1997) Developmental, genetic, and environmental components of enlarged lung volumes at high altitude. Am. J. Human Biol. 9:2:191-203.

Reichrtova E, Dunlop AL, Palkovicova L, Ciznar P, Adamcakova A, Ursinyova M, Prachar V, McNabb SJN. Predictors of cord blood IgE positivity among neonates, Slovak Republic, 1997-1998. Allergy & Clinical Immunology International 2002; 14(3): 117-124.

McNabb, S.J.N., E. Reichrtova, P. Ciznar, L. Palkovicova, A. Adamcakova,
and A.L. Dunlop. Predictors of Allergic Diseases Among Pregnant Women,
Slovak Republic, 1997-1998
. Allergy Clin Immunol Int 2003;15;1:30-6.

Dunlop, A.L., E. Reichrtova, L. Palcovicova, P. Ciznar, A.
Adamcakova-Dodd, and S.J.N. McNabb. 2004. Environmental and Dietary Risk
Factors for the Development of Atopic Dermatitis among One-year Olds,
Slovak Republic, 1997 - 1999.
Submitted to Pediatrics

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