alt="Picture of Clifton suspension bridge Bristol" " " alt="Placental Uptake and Transfer of Environmental Chemicals Relating to Allergy in Childhood Years"

Institute of Preventive and Clinical Medicine
Publications Relevant to the Project

Reichrtova, E.(1995) Monitoring of Air Pollutants Effects: Principles and Examples. In: Heavy Metals, Problems and Solutions. Eds. W. Salomons, U. Forstner and P. Mader, Springer-Verlag, Berlin- Heidelberg, 53-64.

Reichrtova, E, Ursinyova, M, Palkovicova, L and Wsolova, L (1998) Contents and localisation of heavy metals in human placentae. Fresenius´ J. Analyt. Chem. 361: 362-364

Reichrtova, E, Dorociak, F and Palkovicova, L (1998) Sites of lead and nickel accumulation in the placental tissue. Human Exper.Toxicol. 17: 176-181

Reichrtova, E, Ciznar, P, Prachar, V, Palkovicova, L, Veningerova, M (1999) Cord serum Immunoglobukin E related to the environmental contamination of human placentas with organochlorine compounds. Environ. Hlth. Persp. 107: 895-899

Reichrtova, E, Prachar, V, Palkovicova, L, Veningerova, M (2001): Contamination of human placentas with organochlorine compounds in five Slovak regions related to different environmental characteristics. FEB, 10: 772-776.

Reichrtova, E., Lang-Dunlop. A., Palkovicova, L., Ciznar, P., Adamcakova, A., Ursinyova, M., Prachar, V., McNabb, S.J.N.: Predictors of cord blood IgE positivity among neonates, Slovak republic, 1997-1998. ACI International, 14, 2002, 3, p. 117-124.

McNabb, SJN, Reichrtova, E., Ciznar, P., Palkovicova, L., Adamcakova, A., Dunlop, AL.: Environmentally Related Predictors of Allergic Diseases Among Pregnant Women, Slovak Republic, 1997-1998. ACI International, 15, 2003, 1, p. 30-36

Reichrtova, E., Palkovicova, L., Ciznar, P., Adamcakova-Dodd, A., Rausova, K., Suska, P., McNabb, S.J.N.: Exposure to environmental pollutants during pregnancy and allergy development in infants (In Slovak). Alergie, 5, 2003, Suppl. 2, p. 52-57.


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