Graduate profile: Dr Liz Ainsbury

I spent a total of eight years in the Physics Department, first taking a BSc in Physics with Astrophysics with a Year of Industrial Experience (at QinetiQ, Malvern).

The year in industry really helped to convince me that an academic or industrial career would be exciting and challenging and spurred me on to undertake a PhD in the department, with research focussing on the physics of extremely low frequency magnetic fields.

I am now a Principal Radiation Protection Scientist at the Health Protection Agency in Chilton, where my research is focussed on statistical methods of modelling and assessing the effects of ionising radiation on DNA.

I can honestly say that I enjoyed every minute of my time at Bristol. Your university years really shape the person that you are, and I truly believe that my successes to date have principally been down to the combination of the first class research and study environment provided by the Physics Department, and the huge range of clubs and societies, offering opportunities for personal and social development, that I was able to take advantage of during my time there. Thank you Bristol!

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