Graduate profile: Aaron Robotham

I am now an Associate Professor in Astronomy at the University of Western Australia, working on the Galaxy and Mass Assembly project. I also recently attained a Future Fellowship (equivalent to Royal Society Fellowship).

I spent seven enjoyable years in Bristol, and without doubt those years had the greatest influence on my character, direction and interests. During my PhD I travelled extensively, and I made many professional links that would serve my future career in astronomy.

In St Andrews I was a junior post-doctoral researcher, and two years later I progressed to a SUPA advanced fellowship. During my time in St Andrews I made multiple trips to Australia as part of the GAMA project (an ongoing astronomical survey of our local Universe). These trips led to my next career move - in 2013 I started a UWA fellowship and I am now an Assistant Professor.

Bristol is a highly regarded place for anyone to work or study, and I believe my experiences there have provided me with long-lasting career foundations.

Aaron Robotham, PhD Physics (2009), MSci Physics (2003)

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