Undergraduate study

97.5% of our students are in work or further study 15 months after graduating

Chaos society's parenting scheme for first years will help you feel at home

Our teaching offers hands on experience helping you turn theory into practice

We provide an exciting learning environment for our students, with the help of more than 100 research and teaching staff. A typical week will involve a mixture of lectures, tutorials, self-directed study, project work, computing and lab work, which takes place in our £7 million suite of teaching laboratories dedicated to undergraduate study.

Why choose Bristol?

Find out from our lecturers and students what we can offer you in terms of teaching, facilities, research opportunities, employability and being part of our school community.

Did you know?

  • Our courses are accredited by the Institute of Physics
  • You can usually transfer between MSci and BSc versions of a degree any time in the first two years 
  • In many of our degree programmes you can study a unit from another discipline in your first year
  • Our student society Chaos won best student society in the UK in 2019

Career options

Almost half of our graduates are offered jobs that utilise their physics knowledge, whilst the rest go onto successful careers including finance and law. Hear from our alumni about how their physics degree helped them in their chosen careers.

Open Day

Before making an application you are encouraged to attend one of the University's undergraduate open days, which are held in June and September. The School of Physics offers a full programme of events during the open day, including tours of the School of Physics, talks from academic staff and opportunities to speak with admissions tutors and current students.
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