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CQP at Bristol Bright Night & Ujima Radio interview

Beccie Whittaker, CQP demonstrating the benefits of using lightGerardo Villarreal Garcia

A spectator gets involved with the CQP demonstrations at Bristol Bright Night

29 September 2015

On the 25th of September, students from Centre for Quantum Photonics took part in Bristol Bright Night as part of outreach with BOSS (Bristol Optical Student Society.)

Bristol Bright Night is an evening of science activities for adults, held at At-Bristol and hosted by local scientists and researchers, where the general public can come and interact with researchers and science in a relaxed and informal environment. This isn't the first year members of CQP have been involved in Bristol Bright Night with several of our PhD students presenting a demonstation on "What is Light" to enthusiastic adults and children at the 2014 event. 

This year, CQP students spent the day interacting with the public and teaching concepts in optical science to both children and adults through a variety of interactive experiments and demonstrations. One such experiment included showing how light can be used to encode and transmit information using an amplitude modulated laser.  

As part of this outreach, Sam Morley-Short and Jeremy Adcock have been invited to appear on Ujima Radio to promote science and CQP's research. During this interview they will talk about Bristol Bright Night, BOSS and CQP live and the show will also feature a live demonstration of optical phyiscs.

We will tweet the time of the show as soon as it is released so make sure you follow us on twitter so you don't miss out!

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