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The transit of Venus as seen from Bristol

After some initial cloud cover ...

After some initial cloud cover ...Dr Mike Masheder

The clouds broke to give a clear view of the transit

The clouds broke to give a clear view of the transitDr Mike Masheder

7 June 2012

Bristol astrophysicists Mike Masheder and Alastair Fraser made an early start on Wednesday 6 June to view the end of the transit of Venus across the rising Sun.

Some initial cloud cover ...

After some initial cloud cover ...
Image by Dr Mike Masheder

Bristol astrophysicists Mike Masheder and Alastair Fraser made an early start on 6 June to view the end of the transit of Venus across the rising Sun.

The roof of the H H Wills Physics Laboratory is one of the highest points in central Bristol, providing a clear view of the eastern horizon.


The clouds broke to give a clear view of the transit

The clouds broke to give a clear view of the transit
Image by Dr Mike Masheder who used his Canon camera equipped with a solar filter

After some initial cloud cover, the clouds broke to give a clear view of the transit a few minutes before egress interior contact.


The motion of Venus across the Sun is noticeable between these images, which were taken about 3 minutes apart.

Further information

A video featuring Bristol physicist Dr Zoe Leinhardt is now on the Physics World web site, World set for the transit of Venus.

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