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MultiLev Acoustic Levitator

The MultiLev Acoustic system

10 September 2024

Over the summer, Dr. James Drewitt, Alegra Skare, and Dr. Adrian Barnes have developed a new acoustic levitation system called MultiLev, designed for dynamic positioning of multiple samples in mid-air.

MultiLev consists of two opposed phased arrays of ultrasonic transducers to generate an acoustic interference field. Using nine interconnected Pi Pico microcontrollers and custom MOSFET drivers, the phases of the ultrasonic waves from individual transducers can be modified. This generates controllable nodes where samples can be precisely levitated, moved, and even merged in mid-air without contact. The system has been developed to showcase the unique functional capabilities of acoustic levitation for contact-free reagent mixing and analysis. 
The project was supported by funding from the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) to JD and an EPSRC summer placement bursary to AS.

Further information

The full video on the MultiLev system can be viewed via:

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