Bristol Cathedral Choral Scholarships

Information for candidates

The Scholarships (altos, tenors and basses) are tenable at the Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, Bristol and are open to undergraduates, not necessarily those intending to read for a degree in Music. There are up to four scholarships available at any one time, and the awards will be renewable annually (normally for a maximum of three years). 


You should apply for this Scholarship once you have confirmed your offer of a place at the University of Bristol.


The audition will consist of singing two contrasting prepared pieces, some unprepared sight reading and ear tests, followed by an interview at which the Canon Precentor and the Director of Music will be present.  

The examiners reserve the right to short list applicants.


The current value of the scholarship is incremental on years of service: £2,685 p.a. (Year 1), £3,226.20 p.a. (Year 2), £3,767.52 p.a. (Year 3).

Informal enquiries

For further information about the scholarships, their availability and the application process, contact the Bristol Cathedral Director of Music:

Mark Lee, 
Bristol Cathedral, 
College Green, 
Bristol BS1 5TJ

Telephone: +44 (0)117 926 4879


Duties and conditions of tenure

Choral scholars will be required to sing on one weekday service (currently Monday) and the weekend services. In addition Choral Scholars may participate in recordings, concerts and television and radio work with the Cathedral choir, for which additional fees will be paid.

Details of tenure

Renewal will be conditional on both performance of the duties and academic work being satisfactory.  Should a scholar at any time be unable to carry out his duties for reason of illness, he should immediately inform the Director of Music at the Cathedral.  Choral Scholars must check with their Department that duties of a Choral Scholar do not clash with any part of their course.

Details of conditions of appointment

  • You will be required to sing at 4 services a week, including Saturday evensong and two Sunday services. The other day will be Monday.
  • On some occasions, the evening service will be a Sung Eucharist (at 6 or 7.30 pm), instead of Evensong.
  • You are required to attend rehearsals as called by the Director of Music.
  • Your engagement is for the Cathedral Choir terms, as it affects Lay Clerks. The details of these times will be notified by the Director of Music.  If chosen for a Choral Scholarship the successful candidate is expected to request such university accommodation as will enable him to reside outside university terms.
  • The appointment is intended to be for the duration of your time at the University. It is, however, subject to an annual review by the Director of Music in consultation with yourself and the Precentor. It is also revocable by the Precentor in the event of a breach of discipline, but before such revocation you would be entitled to state a case to a review panel appointed by the Chapter.
  • Leave of absence for good and sufficient reason may be sought from the Director of Music It would be the responsibility of the Choral Scholar to confirm deputy arrangements with the Director of Musicand, if it is not special leave of absence, to pay the deputy fees approved by the Chapter. Absence without leave or without an explanation satisfactory to the Precentor will be regarded as a breach of discipline.
  • Reverent behaviour must be maintained during Divine Service. 
  • Good corporate and individual behaviour is required of all choir members in all public places and with all people whenever the choir is together either formally or informally.
  • Unpunctuality in assembling or irreverent conduct during Divine Service or bad behaviour in public places will be regarded as a breach of discipline.
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