Music making for all University students

The Department of Music and student organisations including Bristol University Music Society offer a fantastic range of musical opportunities for students right across the University of Bristol.

The Department of Music and Bristol University Music Society work together to offer a fantastic range of musical opportunities for students right across the University of Bristol.

Whatever your musical passions, there will be something to suit your taste, instrument and ability.

You don't have to be studying a Music degree to participate. Non-music students are central to the success of university music making.

For classical musicians, almost all of the staff-led Music Department ensembles are open to non-Music students, Bristol University Music Society organises multiple classical-related performance activities, both auditioned and non-auditioned, including a brass band, wind orchestras and several choirs. Bristol University Symphonia runs two orchestras. Non-Music students can choose an open unit in the Department of Music, including Choral and Orchestral Ensemble Performance, which involves participation in one of the staff-led Music Department ensembles (University Symphony Orchestra, University Singers, Schola Cantorum and New Music Ensemble).

There is an active musical theatre scene, including the Operatic society, Music Theatre Bristol and the Pantomime Society.  The A Capella Society has numerous choirs. 

The Bristol Big Band Society runs both an unauditioned jazz orchestra and the Hornstars, and the Jazz Funk Soul Society runs a fortnightly jam session at renowned Bristol venue, Mr Wolfs.

These are just a selection of the musical opportunities available to you at the University of Bristol. We look forward to welcoming you to this vibrant music scene. 

Join an ensemble, orchestra or other musical group

List of musical opportunities

Browse the list above to find out more about some of the musical opportunities for University of Bristol students.

Be part of the audience

The University hosts many concerts and other events, which showcasing the talents of musicians from all corners of the University, as well as visiting professional musicians. 

If you love music but don't want to perform, please do join us as an audience member.

Listen to us

Below are examples of performances undertaken by the Department of Music, via its range of music-making opportunities.

Bristol University Music Society

Bristol University Music Society (BUMS) coordinates many of the university's musical opportunities.

Scholarships available

We offer a range of scholarships and bursaries for both Music Students and non-Music Students.

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