Research highlights
- Thicker coatingsResearchers at Bristol have overturned a 60-year old equation and discovered a new way of varying the thickness of fluid film coatings.
- Complexity scienceThere are very few analytical tools for dealing with complex systems. We need to invent new mathematics. The Bristol Centre for Complexity Sciences is rising to the challenge.
- Understanding chaos in mathematical billiardsCorinna Ulcigrai works on Teichmueller dynamics and ergodic theory, a branch of pure mathematics which studies the chaotic properties of dynamical systems.
- Statistical modelling and methods for complex causal inferenceVanessa Didelez is a statistician developing methods to understand better causal mechanisms, the processes linking cause and effect in complex systems that evolve over time.
- Mixing microfluidsThorough mixing — whether kneading dough or comparing DNA samples — is essentially a process of stretching and folding the substances so that every part of one visits every part of the other and loses track of its original position.
- Non-localityIf quantum correlations were stronger, we would live in a world in which communication complexity is trivial.
- Laplacians, Random Walks, Bose Gases and Quantum Spin SystemsThis Leverhulme International Network works with five partner institutions across Europe to investigate the interplay of Brownian motion, its geometry and its applications to other parts of mathematics and sciences.
- Visualising integer solutions to polynomial equationsWooley, Browning and Booker are investigating interactions between geometry and arithmetic in the context of integer solutions to polynomial equations.
- Quantum physics sheds light on Riemann hypothesisWhen Keating and Snaith's formula was used to calculate the next moment of the Riemann zeta function, it coincided with the number theorists' suggestion: 24,024.
- SuSTaIn: statisticians set the research agendaA £4.2m initiative to revitalise the discipline of mathematical statistics in the UK is underway at Bristol University mathematics department.