Simple nonlinear PDEs inspired by billiards - a colloquium talk by Krzysztof (Chris) Burdzy

15 August 2024, 4.00 PM - 15 August 2024, 5.00 PM

Fry Building, G.09

Seminar by Krzysztof (Chris) Burdzy, University of Washington

How many times can n billiard balls collide in the open d-dimensional space? I will provide some estimates. I will explain how the above question leads to a ``pinned billiard balls'' model. On a large scale, the model seems to have a hydrodynamic limit. The parameters of the conjectured limit should satisfy simple nonlinear PDEs. While the existence and properties of the conjectured hydrodynamic limit are open questions, I will provide a quite complete analysis of the conjectured PDE.


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