Underrepresented Genders in Mathematics 2023: Opportunities for the future

8 November 2023, 10.00 AM - 8 November 2023, 5.30 PM

Fry Building, School of Mathematics, Woodland Road, BS8 1UG

Join us for our annual event, open to female, nonbinary, trans and other underrepresented genders.

Enjoying your degree in maths? Interested in finding out what doing a research degree in maths is like? Join us! 

About the event

This event aims to encourage students who are either women or members of another underrepresented gender within STEM, to continue their studies to graduate level and beyond. 

The event features talks from mathematicians working both in universities and industry, giving insight into their current roles and their careers to date. Importantly, it also allows ample time to talk in small groups to other participants facing the same decisions around PhD study, and the opportuntiy to speak with current PhD students who have recently asked themselves similar questions. 

It will be an opportunity to discuss your motivations as well as your concerns, and specifically to identify and seek to address any concerns related to gender. There will also be a talk by a current PhD student about their experience of doing a PhD and what it entails.

Who is it for?

The majority of roles in the STEM industries are held by ​cis men. This event is designed to support and encourage people from​ underrepresented genders to consider a research degree and further careers in maths. It includes a complimentary event dinner on Wednesday evening. 

This is a trans-inclusive event. Registration is open to students in the UK, who are in the final two years of a taught degree in the mathematical sciences, and who are either women or of another underrepresented gender​. If you have any questions regarding this event or are unsure whether you are eligible to attend, please contact us directly at ugim-event@bristol.ac.uk.

Date and venue

This year's event will be held on Wednesday 8 November 2023, in the School of Mathematics, Fry Building, Woodland Road, Bristol, BS8 1UG.

How to apply 

Please register via the following form

Applications will be reviewed periodically and we will contact individuals to confirm their place.


We have a small amount of funding available to provide some travel support to individuals travelling from outside of Bristol. Please advise of your funding requirements when applying.


10.00am - Registration and refreshments

10.30am - Welcome talk 

10.35am - A week in the life of a PhD student

11.15am - Communicating maths (interactive session)

12.00pm - Keynote speaker- Dr Haeran Cho (Bristol) 

12.45pm - Lunch 

13.40pm - Guided Tour of Fry Building 

14.00pm - Industry speaker Stasja Stanisic - Talk title: Mathematical Research in Industry.  

Stasja Stanisic received her B.S. in Computer Science from the California Institute of Technology. She completed her Ph.D. through Quantum Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training (University of Bristol) under supervision of Prof. Peter Turner (School of Physics, now Sydney Quantum Academy) and Prof. Noah Linden (School of Mathematics). During her Ph.D. she received an award for her research from The British Federation of Women Graduates. Last four years, she has been working at Phasecraft, the quantum algorithms company. Phasecraft is a start-up led by academics from University of Bristol and UCL aiming to achieve practical quantum.  advantage within the next few years.

14.30pm - PhD opportunities and how to apply

15.00pm - Coffee break and small group chats

15.30pm - Graduate student panel

16.45pm - PhD student lightning talks

17.10pm - Collective Feedback Submission 

17.15pm - Drinks and poster session

18.45pm - Dinner (Zero Degrees)

Contact information

For practical information please contact ugim-event@bristol.ac.uk.

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