Justin Dean - PhD Mathematics

What do you particularly enjoy about postgraduate study in the School of Mathematics? 

It’s never dull, as there’s always lots of interesting seminars, graduate courses and reading groups going on, so every day is different and you’re constantly learning new stuff. The relaxed environment makes it a very enjoyable place to work.

What are the facilities in the school like?

Great, I have easy access to everything I need.

How much support do you get from staff?

I get lots of support and there are always people willing to help. One of the great things about being a postgraduate student is that you get lots of opportunities to interact with expert researchers.

How does postgraduate study differ from an undergraduate degree?

In some ways it’s more relaxed as you’re not constantly worrying about the next set of exams. There’s more freedom and independence. The tasks you get set tend to be more open ended and often require more persistence or time than those you’re exposed to as an undergraduate.

What would you tell a prospective postgraduate student?

If you enjoy studying maths, particularly project style work and you are self-disciplined and excited about learning more, then postgraduate study is something I’d really recommend.

Why did you decide to apply for your programme?

I really enjoyed working on my Masters project with my supervisor and was still very excited about learning more.

What are you planning to do after completing your studies?

I’m considering continuing working in science research, though possibly switching to something more multidisciplinary and applied where the skills of mathematicians are in short supply.
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