Reference management: Introducing EndNote Desktop

21 March 2023, 2.00 PM - 21 March 2023, 3.00 PM


EndNote is a reference management package that lets you gather and organise bibliographic references, then cite them in various word processors whilst automatically creating a bibliography.

This workshop gets you up to speed with populating your EndNote Desktop library with relevant references in a variety of ways, and provides guidance in citing references in Word.

Downloading a copy of EndNote Desktop on to a personal (or UoB) device before the course is recommended (instructions can be found here:

By the end of the workshop you will be able to:

  • search external databases and import references to EndNote
  • manually type in references
  • search for full text PDFs of references
  • search your EndNote library for specific references and organise them with groups
  • remove duplicate references, back up your files, and carry out other ‘housekeeping’ tasks
  • cite and edit references in MS Word
  • synchronise your desktop account with the web version.

The workshop will take place on Microsoft Teams. A link to the session will be sent out when you register for a ticket. 

Register for a place here:

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