The job evaluation panelists represent the group of staff from across the University who carry out Job Evaluation Panels. Each Job Evaluation Panel comprises three to five people, all of whom have been fully trained in the University of Bristol Job Evaluation Scheme (UBJES). Each panel is comprised as follows:
The role of Technical Advisors (Human Resources Officers/Managers) is to chair the meeting and facilitate open, fair and unbiased discussion about the evaluation of each job description. They ensure that the Panel makes decisions based on consensus and that all decisions are documented accordingly. See the full list of Technical Advisers.
The Management Representatives are managers from a cross-section of the University's Faculties/Schools and Divisions. Their role is to agree impartial job evaluation decisions in conjunction with the other Panel members and with guidance from the Technical Advisor. See the full list of Management Representatives.
The Trade Union representatives are comprised of Union members from all the recognised Trade Unions for University staff. Their role is to agree impartial job evaluation decisions in conjunction with the other panel members and with guidance from the Technical Advisor. Each Job Evaluation panel is co-ordinated in such a way that ensures relevant Trade Union representation; for example, when Administrative roles are being evaluated a Unison representative would be one of the panel members on that panel. See the full list of Trade Union Representatives