Salary Review Procedure

Grade M Senior Professional Services Staff Salary Review Procedure

This process has been paused for 2024/25.


A review of the salaries of Senior Professional Services staff on Grade M will be undertaken annually. There is no automatic incremental progression within the Grade but, unlike in many other organisations, any agreed cost of living pay award will be applied to the Grade M Senior Professional Services Staff Salary Ranges 1, 2 and 3.    

Therefore, any incremental movement will be exceptional and on the basis of clear growth in the role or the achievement of particularly challenging objectives. The salary review process will take place within an overall cost restraint, which will mean that submissions will be assessed on merit and not all may succeed. 

All managers of staff on the Senior Professional Services Grade M scale have an obligation to review their staff at least annually in terms of:

This will be discussed in the context of the Development Process, and it is also expected that there will be more frequent, ongoing discussions between the manager and the individual, as part of the day to day management of the role. These discussions will help inform the manager’s consideration of what recommendations should be made under this procedure.

The manager may also wish to review market relativities where applicable.


A manager may recommend the award of an increment(s) where there is compelling and sustained evidence of:

Where an individual has effectively delivered a one-off activity or project that has a major impact and goes beyond the normal requirements of their role, or has contributed significantly in some other way that would not normally be expected of their role and for which there will not be a continuing requirement, it may be more appropriate to reward this through a one-off payment. For the 2024 salary review round, the procedure for M1-3 staff will exclude one-off payments.

Exceptionally, where a role has changed substantially, it may be appropriate for the role to be re-evaluated.


Cases for Senior Professional Services Staff on Ranges 1, 2 and 3

  1. In March the relevant Heads of HR Business Partnering will contact relevant Divisional Heads, Deans, the Chief Operating Officer and Registrar, and the Chief Financial Officer, inviting recommendations under this procedure.
  2. A potential case should be discussed in detail with the relevant Head of HR Business Partnering before submission, taking into account performance expectations in the current role and expectations on the relevant range.  Before finalising a case to be made, the manager should confirm with the Divisional Head / Dean that the proposed pay increases are affordable within their budget and have considered any risks relating to discrimination or matters of pay equality in making their recommendations and update the Grade M Senior Professional Services Case Form (Office document, 61kB) reflecting the outcome of the discussion.        
  3. The case should be submitted to the HR Manager, Policy and Reward, copying in the relevant Head of HR Business Partnering, and using the case form. The HR Manager, Policy and Reward will make arrangements for the necessary paperwork to be submitted to the Senior Professional Services Salary Committee. 
  4. In May the Senior Professional Services Salary Committee (SPSSC)[1] will consider cases under the scheme within the financial constraints of the University, monitor proposed outcomes including from an equality and diversity perspective, and agree outcomes.
  5. HR will implement the decisions of the Senior Professional Services Salary Committee, to take effect from 1st August of that year.

Cases for Senior Professional Services Staff on Range 4

  1. In March the relevant Heads of HR Business Partnering will contact relevant managers, inviting recommendations under this procedure.
  2. A potential case should be discussed in detail with the Head of HR Business Partnering before submission, taking into account performance expectations in the current role and on Range 4.    
  3. The case should be submitted to the HR Manager, Policy and Reward, copying in the relevant Head of HR Business Partnering, and using the case form. The HR Manager, Policy and Reward will make arrangements for the necessary paperwork to be submitted to the Remuneration Committee. 
  4. In October the Remuneration Committee will consider cases under the scheme within the financial constraints of the University, monitor proposed outcomes including from an Equality and Diversity perspective, and agree outcomes. The committee will also monitor the outcomes of the Senior Professional Services Salary Committee, including from an equality and diversity perspective.
  5. HR will implement the decisions of Remuneration Committee, to take effect from 1st August of that year.

[1] The Senior Professional Services Salary Committee (SPSSC) is comprised of the Chief Operating Officer and Registrar, the Chief Financial Officer, and the Chief People Officer.  


This policy was last updated: March 2024