The change generation

Students ran a model COP21 conference to include young voices in the climate debate.

Second year Geography student Simon Hill, Campaigns and Events representative on the Student Union's Sustainability Committee, and the University's Model United Nations Society and SU Campaigns and Events representative Iona Brandt ran the conference on 5 December 2015.

Ahead of the Paris COP21 summit, students represented different countries and negotiated to try and achieve a global resolution on climate emissions. A 'Green Bank' acted as a central organisation, pricing and producing the reactions of any policies the delegates introduce.

Students can too often be discounted from policy-making due to their supposed apathy. But sustainability is an issue that students connect with and understand. As Simon said: 'It's their future it's concerned with'.

Although they did not make the decisions in Paris, it is students and their generation that will be enacting the changes necessary to avert disaster.

Simon added: "Awareness is very high and so is motivation. Sustainability is such a passionate issue in the student body; our committee is just the tip of the iceberg of sustainable enthusiasm in the University".

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