As a city centre University, transport is a key issue. We encourage all our students and staff to use active modes of transport, such as walking, cycling or public transport - wherever possible. By travelling sustainably, our students and staff help reduce congestion and improve the air quality of the city by limiting the amount of carbon that is released into the atmosphere.
Travel Plan
Our Sustainable Travel and Transport Delivery Plan promotes sustainable travel choices and aims to reduce car reliance, in particular the number of single occupant trips. The aim is to reduce the impact of travel and transport on the environment, whilst bringing a number of other benefits for students, staff and local communities.
Our schemes
Our sustainable transport initiatives include: car sharing, free bus passes for students (in our Stoke Bishop residences), free cycle repair and service clinics and interest-free loans for season tickets.
We also continually improve campus facilties, such as changing facilities for walkers and cyclists, as well as providing secure cycle parking.
Monitoring and review
To assess whether the Travel Plan's targets have been achieved we closely monitor the take-up of schemes, the use of facilities and run surveys. The feedback and information gathered is used to improve our schemes and facilities.
Find out more
Find out more about sustainable travel options, transport plans and car parking.