Consumer purchasing and outcomes survey

Authors: Andrea Finney, Professor Elaine Kempson
Funded by: Financial Services Authority (FSA)
Published by: Financial Services Authority (FSA)
Publication date: 2008 

During 2008 PFRC was commissioned to undertake analysis of data from the Consumer Purchasing and Outcomes Survey. The survey was designed primarily to help assess the extent to which consumers of financial products receive and use clear, simple and relevant information. It informs one of the FSA's three strategic objectives; 'to help retail consumers achieve a fair deal'.

Using bivariate and multivariate analysis of the data from the survey, the report examines product-purchase behaviour and the availability, clarity, use and influence of information and advice on final product choice in detail. In doing so it covers aspects of the entire purchase process journey from pre-sale to post-sale and covers five types of financial products:

  • Mortgages
  • Pensions
  • Investments
  • Decumulation products

Consumer purchasing and outcomes survey (PDF, 1,002kB)

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