Debt and financial advice


Evaluating money matters advice and support services provided through food banks
Andrea Finney, Sara Davies, David Collings, Katie Cross and Jamie Evans


Joined up: Supporting debt advice clients through strong referral partnerships
Jamie Evans and Sharon Collard


2016 outcome evaluation of debt advice funded by Money Advice Service
Andrea Finney


Debt advice: A scoping study for measuring outcomes
Sara Davies, Yvette Hartfree and Elaine Kempson

Study on access to comprehensive financial guidance for consumers
Observatoire de l’Epargne Européenne (OEE - European Savings Institute); the Personal Finance Research Centre (University of Bristol); Institute for Financial Services (iff); National Institute for Family Finance Information (Nibud); and individual experts (Roslyn Russell, Jozica Kutin and Tanja Jørgensen)


MAS Debt Advice Outcomes Framework
Personal Finance Research Centre


Public Legal Education Evaluation Framework
Sharon Collard, Chris Deeming, Lisa Wintersteiger, Martin Jones and John Seargeant


Money Guidance Pathfinder - A report to the FSA
Elaine Kempson and Sharon Collard


An independent review of the fee-charging debt management industry
Sharon Collard


Quality of advice review
Elaine Kempson

Money advice outreach pilots: The providers perspective and client interviews
Sharon Collard, Laurie Day, Vicky Davis and Carolyn Hay

Consumer purchasing and outcomes survey
Andrea Finney and Elaine Kempson


An evaluation of the FSA leaflet on Basic Bank Accounts
Nick Moore


Managing multiple debts: experiences of County Court Administration Orders among debtors, creditors and advisors
Elaine Kempson and Sharon Collard


Good, bad or indifferent? The quality of money advice in Scotland
Sharon Collard and Bob Burrows


Quality assured? An assessment of the quality of independent money advice
Sharon Collard, Jane Steele and Elaine Kempson


Fee or Free? The role of fee-charging debt advice companies in money advice provision
Claire Whyley and Sharon Collard


Money advice and debt counselling
Elaine Kempson

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