Nutrient Analysers

Continuous Flow Analysers – Skalar San++

A core element of our specialism is nutrient analysis and we have invested in bespoke colorimetric continuous flow analysers (CFAs) for specific nutrient analyses:

  • 2 Skalar San++: for low ppm detection of ammonia, total oxidized nitrogen, phosphate, nitrite and urea in freshwater samples
Skalar San++
SKALAR San++ Segmented Flow Nutrient Analyser

Thermo Scientific Gallery Plus Discrete Photometric Analyser

The Gallery Plus is a highly customisable and versatile automated spectrophotometric analyser best suited for low volume high throughput samples. The discrete cell technology of the Gallery Plus allows for simultaneous measurement of several different tests for the same sample (2-4 mL), while keeping reagent use and waste generation to a minimum. Typically used for nutrient analyses but also expanding our capabilities beyond the traditional CFAs to include phenolics, sulphides, iron and many other calorimetrically measured substances. Besides with the colorimetric methods, conductivity and pH can be measured in the same sample with the electrochemical (ECM) unit. The Gallery Plus is perfectly suited for the testing of diverse environmental but also food/beverage types of samples.

gallery plus
Thermo Scientific Gallery Plus Discrete Photometric Analyser
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