Travel and Nature Writing

Tree ferns in the Botanic Garden

This exciting new 8-week short course will introduce you to the genre of travel and nature writing. 


Travel and Nature Writing Autumn 2024

Details Description
When Thursday evenings, 6pm to 8 pm

8 meetings

3 October to 28 November 2024 (no class 24 October)

Where University of Bristol Arts Complex, Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TB
Tutor Nick Hunt

You will learn about how to develop your experiences, whether at home or much further afield, into engaging and professional pieces of writing, with practical exercises to help you tune in to place (including field-sensing, horizon-lining and deep listening techniques) as well as focused writing assignments to help you shape and structure your work from initial drafts to edited, finished pieces. We will study the development of these genres, and how they have merged in recent years into the 'travel/nature' category. We will also examine the ethical issues facing travel and nature writers in an age of climate and ecological emergency. What is a writer's role in these times? How do we write honestly about a changing world?  

Nick Hunt is the author of three travel books about walking and Europe – Outlandish, Where the Wild Winds Are and Walking the Woods and the Water – as well as a work of ‘gonzo ornithology’,The Parakeeting of London, and a recently published novel, Red Smoking Mirror. His travel books have twice been finalists for the Edward Stanford Travel Writing Award, and his work has appeared in The Best British Travel Writing of the 21st Century. He is an editor and co-director of the Dark Mountain Project and an occasional contributor to BBC Radio 4's From Our Own Correspondent. 

Course fee


Previous qualifications/experience No qualifications needed. Open to the public.


Please address any enquiries about the courses to:

Department of English Part-time Courses
School of Humanities
3-5 Woodland Road
Bristol BS8 1TB


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