Postgraduate Panel Wednesday 30 March Paula Read, EmmaLucy Cole
The Evolution of Revolution Politicks (1704-1733): rumour as history in late Stuart and Hanoverian England Wednesday 16 March Dr John McTague
'In aventure there mervayles meven’: Pearl and the Otherworlds of French ArthurianRomance Wednesday 2 March Dr Steve Bull
Collected Wisdom? UK Poetry Mentoring in and out of the archive Wednesday 1 December Dr Will May (University of Southampton)
‘But the climax of evil in a woman is the habit of drinking’. Was it all so bad? Representations of women’s drinking in Polish and British public discourses in the 19th century Wednesday 2 February Dr Pam Lock (University of Bristol) and Dr Dorota Dias-Lewandowska (Polish Academy of Science)
Postgraduate panel Thursday 15 December
A Secret History of the Sable Venus: Digital Analysis, Narrative Authority, and the Discourses of Race in European Novels with Afro-Caribbean Female Protagonists, 1808-1827 Tuesday 23 November Dr Nicole Aljoe (Northeastern University) In collaboration with the Centre for Black Humanities
Literary Topographies of the Pre-modern City Wednesday 17 November Dr Helen Fulton
“A Woman in Pieces:” Mechthild of Hackeborn’s Haunting of the Late Medieval English Canon Wednesday 11 November Dr Liz Herbert McAvoy (University of Swansea, University of Bristol)
'A thing of shreds and patches': the scrap-beggar and nineteenth-century culture wars Wednesday 3 November Dr Samantha Matthews
Collaboration with Environmental Humanities Wednesday 20 October Panel discussion
Marie Curie Fellows Panel Wednesday 6 October Dr Doug Battersby, Dr Louise Benson James, Dr Sarah Daw
Postgraduate Panel: Stripping Off: Body Politics in Women's Erotic Comix Wednesday 28 April Surangama Datta
Hard to Swallow?: Nature and conservation in Older Scots Literature Wednesday 24 March Dr Kate McClune
TBC Wednesday 10 March Dr Ian Burrows (University of Cambridge)
The Call of the Wild: Rewilding, Wilder Farming, and the New Georgic in 21st Century Nature Writing Wednesday 24 February Dr Pippa Marland
Naming the Coconut and (De)Colonizing the Middle Ages Wednesday 10 February Dr Kathleen Kennedy
Marcher Lordship in the Wars of the Roses: Constructing Heroes in Fifteenth-Century Political Poetry Thursday 8 October Professor Helen Fulton
Reading together in the eighteenth-century home Thursday 22 October Professor Abigail Williams (University of Oxford)
Why Scotland Matters: Cross-Border Early Modern Literary History Thursday 5 November Dr Sebastiaan Verweij
Postgraduate panel 'Purely Plastic Content': Ir/rational obsessions and compulsions in Samuel Beckett's Watt'; ''Infinitely Plastic Forms': Bergson's worms and Beckett's Worm' Thursday 26 November Emily Chester; Rachel Murray
Utopian Fiction and Phantom Islands Thursday 3 December Professor Janet Clare (University of Hull)
Elizabeth Bishop and the Art of Exclamation Thursday 4 February Professor Peter Swaab (UCL)
Annual Churchill Lecture: 'Democratric Imaginations and Nineteenth-Century Fiction: A Challenge' Thursday 18 February Professor Isobel Armstrong (Birkbeck, University of London)
William Wordsworth: Monasticism and the Middle Years Thursday 3 March Dr Jessica Fay
The Poetry of Bees Thursday 17 March Dr Jane Wright
Transnational Modernisms: Olive Schreiner, Prostitution and the Diamond Fields Thursday 14 April Professor Anna Snaith (King's College London)
Postgraduate Panel 'Translations of Hero and Leander in Marlowe and Jonson'; 'The Transformative Potential of Sympathy and its Limits in P. B. Shelley's Rosalind and Helen'; 'Seamus Heaney's District and Circle' Thursday 28 April Emily Derbyshire; Alessandra Monorchio; Jack Thacker
Modernism, Neurology and Literary Form Thursday 23 October Ulrika Maude
Finding Gloucester's Eyeballs: Keats’s Letters and their Poetry Thursday 6 November Tony Howe (Birmingham City University)
Staging the Mediterranean in Early Modern England Thursday 20 November Laurence Publicover
"The peryod of my blisse": Printing Interruptions in Early Modern Plays Thursday 4 December Ian Burrows
Writing Work in the Eighteenth Century Thursday 22 January Dr Jennifer Batt
Living Backwards: A Manifesto Thursday 5 February Professor Nicholas Royle (University of Sussex)
"I am tired of the Extravagance; and wonder every Body else is not": Pope's Dunciads and the counterhistorical Thursday 19 February Dr John McTague
Annual Churchill Lecture: Modernism and the Question of Rhythm Thursday 5 March Professor Laura Marcus (University of Oxford)
Postgraduate Panel: Victorian Literature: Pasts and Futures 'Imprints: Tracing the Malevolent Ghost Child in Neo-Victorian Fiction'; 'Fury and Oblivion: Fictionalizing Female Drunkenness in the 1850s'; 'Idylls of the Queen: The Importance of Lancelot and Guinevere's Affair in Tennyson's Idylls of the King' Thursday 19 March Jen Baker; Pam Lock; Riya Puttanna
Bristol Poetry Institute Seminar: Poetry 1915: Rupert Brooke and Edward Thomas 'The Dust of Rupert Brooke'; 'Edward Thomas in July 1915: Bound Away' Thursday 23 April Dr William Wootten; Professor Ralph Pite
Stevie Smith: "An Awful Twister" Thursday 7 May Dr Stephen James
Postgraduate panel 'Joseph Conrad and the Rhetoric of Boredom'; 'David Foster Wallace and the Problem of Suicide' Thursday 21 May Olive Neto; Peter Sloane
Centre for Romantic and Victorian Studies Inaugural Lecture: Transfiguration: Word and Image in the Nineteenth Century Thursday 10 October Dr Stephen Cheeke
The New Coordinates of American Writing: The Contemporary Immigrant Novel Thursday 7 November Dr Theo Savvas
Kipling's "The White Man's Burden" or, "King Demos his Poet Laureate" Thursday 21 November Dr John Lee
The Novel Voice Thursday 5 December Professor Peter Boxall (University of Sussex)
"Those versicles we Persians praise him for": Browning's Ferishtah's Fancies Thursday 23 January Professor Daniel Karlin and Reza Taher-Kermani
Poetry, Paratexts and the Arts of Navigation Thursday 20 February Dr Tamsin Badcoe
Postgraduate Panel: Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Poetics "But Tell Me, Did You Ever See/A Stranger Kind of Man than Me?": The Unkindness of Bird-Catchers; Historicism in Percy Shelley's Hellenist Discourse Thursday 6 March Francesca Mackenney; Lawrence Masakazu Yoneta
Dr Leavis's Seventeenth Century Thursday 20 March Professor David Hopkins
Shelley as a Visual Artist: Sketches, Doodles, Ink Blots, Theories of the Text Thursday 15 May Professor Graham Allen
"What is Africa to me now?": Literary Perspectives on a Continent and its Discontents Thursday 29 May Dr Madhu Krishnan
The Teaching of Doris Lessing Thursday 3 November Tom Sperlinger
Homer from Pope to Cowper: Nature, History, and the Primitive Thursday 17 November David Hopkins
'Enthusiasm in Blake'; 'Feminism and the Domestic Sphere in the Poetry of Medbh McGuckian' Thursday 1 December Stephanie Codsi and Adam Hanna
Robert Browning and Honey Thursday 15 December Jane Wright
Dion Boucicault Thursday 19 January Richard Fawkes
Inside David Foster Wallace's Head: Boredom, Paradox and Suicide Thursday 2 February Andrew Bennett
Churchill Lecture: Shakespeare in Eighteenth-Century Poetry Thursday 16 February David Fairer
Matthew Arnold and Re-Reading Thursday 1 March Francis O'Gorman
"Happy Friends": Dryden and Pope's Translations of Homer; The Battle of the Last Men: Issues of Plagiarism and Originality in End-of-the-World Poems by Byron and Campbell Thursday 15 March Ian Calvert; Catherine Redford
Melting in Renaissance Poetry Thursday 3 May Andrea Brady
Title tbc Thursday 17 May Hester Jones
Bob Dylan and America; title tbc Thursday 31 May Craig Savage; Rachel Stenner
Hardy and "the reach of perished Rome" Thursday 14 June Ralph Pite
George Crabbe's Peter Grimes and Benjamin Britten's Thursday 14 October Professor David Hopkins
Voice and Vision in the Poetry of Robert Lowell; Robert Duncan's Uterine Poetics Thursday 28 October Kat Peddie (University of Kent); Amy Evans (Kings College, London)
Poetry and Animal Life; Wordsworth and Animal Life Wednesday 10 November Michael Malay; James Castell
Kipling's "The Absent-Minded Beggar" Thursday 25 November Dr John Lee
Tucker-Cruse lecture: The cartographic imagination in the later Middle Ages Thursday 9 December Professor Derek Pearsall
"Playing the Dolt in Print": The Glossing of Nashe's Pierce Penilesse his Supplication to the Deuill Thursday 20 January Dr Jane Griffiths
Writing South West lecture (title tbc) Thursday 3 February Dr Anthony Caleshu (University of Plymouth)
Pope and Death Thursday 17 February Dr Daniel Cook
The Poetics of English Religious Plays Thursday 3 March Professor Pamela King
Which of the Last Men? Satirical approaches to the last man theme in Romantic literature'; 'Keats and the Other Chameleon Poets Wednesday 16 March Catherine Redford; Stacey McDowell
Churchill lecture: Thinking through fiction: mind in modernism Thursday 17 March Professor Patricia Waugh (University of Durham)
The Verse Forms of Middle English Romances Thursday 12 May Professor Ad Putter and Dr Judith Jefferson
(title tbc) Thursday 26 May Dr Jane Wright
On Troilus and Cressida (title tbc); Careful tutors: the manipulation of youth in The Tempest Thursday 9 June Rachel Stenner; Patrick Ashby
On Philip Larkin (title tbc) Thursday 22 October Piers Pennington (Corpus Christi College, Oxford)
E.M. Forster and the BBC Thursday 5 November Stuart Christie (Associate Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University)
(title tbc) Thursday 19 November Daniel Karlin (Professor, Sheffield)
On Latin Arthurian legend (title tbc) Thursday 3 December Jonathan McFadyen
Tucker Cruse Lecture: Jane Austen's Surplus People Thursday 14 January Professor Karen O’Brien (Warwick)
The Writing South West Seminar (title tbc) Wednesday 27 January Dr Charles Butler (UWE)
Churchill Birthday Lecture: On Arnold and Clough (title tbc) 11 February Dr Seamus Perry (Balliol, Oxford)
On Mary Butts (title tbc) Wednesday 24 February Joel Hawkes
On domestic space in modern Irish poetry (title tbc) Thursday 11 March Adam Hanna
On Shakespeare and the sea (title tbc) Thursday 29 April Laurence Publicover
On medieval mourning and masculine identity (title tbc) Thursday 13 May Anne Baden-Daintree
Romanticism panel papers (titles tbc) Wednesday 26 May Catherine Redford and Stacey McDowell