Educational Futures Network (EFN)

The Educational Futures Network (EFN) brings together those explicitly working on education and sustainable futures across the School of Education to share and develop theoretical expertise and empirical insights on the relationship between education and the future, and to develop methodological expertise for engaging students, staff and partners in thinking about and working β€˜on’ futures in education. This includes, but is not limited to those looking at technological development, neuroscience, climate change, aging, education and international development research, peace and conflict studies, racial justice, feminist perspectives, and educational responses to crisis.

The Educational Futures Network provides a welcoming and lively focus for debates about educational futures in the School. It examines issues such as the causal relationship between education and wider social futures, questions of power in the construction of futures in and by education, pedagogical issues around the teaching of ideas of the future in education, amongst others.

The network aims to develop theoretical expertise and empirical insights on the relationship between education and the future in four ways:

a) interrogating and envisioning futures of education
b) exploring the futures created by education
c) developing education as a site for teaching about futures
d) understanding and interrogating how ideas of the future act on education.

The network deepens the school’s existing methodological expertise in co-produced research and participatory methodologies, exploring how different constituencies can be brought together to conceptualise sustainable futures, as well as the different emotional and psychological factors associated with such practices.

Members of the network are currently working with or have previously worked with the following key partner organisations and communities:

UNESCO – Educational Futures Programme;
The Schools of Tomorrow network;
The German Schools of Tomorrow network;
The NESTA Participatory Futures Programme;
The Sitra Futures Development Network (Finland);
The Anticipation Studies network;
Partners in the TESF Network Plus;
BBC Learning;
The Bristol Sustainable Development Goals initiative;
Bristol Schools’
Bristol Futures;
Bristol City Office;
The GW4 Climate Education network;
The Pervasive Media Studio at the Watershed;
Digital Societies Faculty research group;
Brigstow Research Institute;
EdJAM Network Plus;
The Worldwide Universities Network. 


If you have any queries about the network or about our work, please contact our current Network Director Dr Helen Manchester

All members have the right and responsibility to take a lead on events, workshops and writing and for nurturing the intellectual community of the network.

To join the network, click on this link:

Join the network mailing list here

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