Doctoral Conference 2022

School of Education Doctoral Conference 2022

Expressions of solidarity – nationally and internationally – are important, yet not enough. It is important for current research to transform policies into practice.

Submission deadlines

Abstract submission deadline: 20th June 2022, 12pm  

Registration deadline: 1st July 2022  

Conference dates

  • Wednesday 6th July, 9:00 – 16:00 BST

  • Thursday 7th July, 9:00 – 16:00  BST

  • Friday 8th July, 10:00- 14:00 BST 

We are pleased to announce that we have now finalised our detailed conference programme, available to download as pdf:

SoE Doctoral Conference Programme 2022 (PDF, 647kB)

General information

The Doctoral Conference committees together (Bristol and Hong Kong) in the School of Education (SoE), University of Bristol, are delighted to invite you to their annual doctoral conference, in a hybrid format. This annual conference is a student-led effort to bring together research students, doctoral researchers and academics to explore, contribute to and reflect upon key issues in educational research, policy, theory and practice from a broad range of research areas. The conference will include keynote presentations and virtual 15-minute paper presentations in parallel sessions on the 6th and 7th of July, followed by in-person poster presentations on the 8th of July, culminating with a social event. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this special opportunity to connect with and contribute to an intellectually stimulating hybrid conference.

Conference theme

The conference is broadly framed around how educational research can be used to remove inequalities within society. Expressions of solidarity — nationally and internationally — are important but they are not enough, we need to transform the policies into practices. These goals provide a blueprint to help all countries around the world to work together to achieve a better, equitable and more sustainable future.

Our fantastic interdisciplinary programme for this conference is framed around the interconnected sustainable development gaols on equitable education and fighting against racial discrimination (i.e., SDG 4 and SDG 16) and we are honoured to have a wide range of speakers and participants from all over the world bringing different theoretical, methodological and disciplinary approaches to the analysis and eradication of inequalities.

The conference is structured around four broad thematic sessions: social justice and education policy; racism and poverty; decolonising research practices; and gender equality. Each session focuses on at least two of the SDGs and, in some cases, many more, aligning with the ethos of the School of Education.

With this in mind, we are creating an opportunity for students, early-career and experienced researchers to contribute their unique perspectives and research in a safe and supportive space. You are invited to use this opportunity to have your research, whatever stage you are at, reviewed by your peers and academics, and receive thought-provoking feedback. We encourage contributions that align with the key themes of inclusivity and equity. We particularly welcome contributions with an emphasis on transforming the policies into practices.

Guidelines for all submissions

We welcome abstracts from research students at any stage of their academic journey, from MRes students to those who have concluded their Doctoral degrees recently. To be considered as a contributor for the conference, please submit an abstract by 12pm on Monday 20th June for one of the following options:

1. 15-minute virtual presentation with a 5-minute Q&A session

2. In-person poster presentations

Submission details

Please keep in mind that your audience will be from various cultural, linguistic and educational backgrounds. While we are all broadly familiar with educational research, policy and practice, we may not have expertise on your topic.

We encourage you to submit an abstract following the steps below:

1. At the top of the document, please include the Full name (as you prefer it to appear in the programme) of the author(s), Affiliation (School/Department/University), Email address/es, Year of Study (if applicable), Mode of Study (PhD, EdD, MRes) and Type of presentation (15 minute, or poster presentation).

2. Please include a title for your submission, then include an abstract with a maximum of 300 words.

3. The abstract format is single-spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman. Please use APA style reference citations (surname, year), a reference list is not needed. Consolidate it into one single Adobe PDF file.

4. Please include the following information in the file name: submission type (Paper or Poster) and surname of submitting author,

e.g., “Paper_Surname.pdf"

5. Please note: Considering the unprecedented circumstances in which we must operate and to accommodate colleagues who live in different time zones, we can accommodate pre-recorded presentations on request in case you are not able to give a live presentation for any reason.

6. If you are able to present live, the organizing committee will create an opportunity for you to practice and familiarize yourself with Blackboard Collaborate before the conference.

Please send your abstracts and enquiries to:

Register for the conference

Please sign up via Eventbrite

Contact information

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