Careers and employability

Studying one of our courses is the first step on your journey to your future career. We provide opportunities, specialist support and advice to get where you want to be when you graduate.

How we can support you

Careers Service

Our Careers Service provides a range of work experience, internship opportunities and advice on becoming more employable to both undergraduate and postgraduate students, and offer follow-on support for recent graduates.

Professional Liaison Network

Our Professional Liaison Network (PLN) run initiatives and partnerships connecting you to alumni and external organisations related to your academic discipline.

The School of Economics Mentoring Scheme

During your time here you will have the opportunity to be matched to a mentor who has studied your subject and is now using it in a career-related role. It will help you:

  • develop your skills for the workplace
  • gain invaluable careers-related support and advice
  • reflect on your academic studies
  • develop your professional network
  • consider future careers that relate to your academic discipline

How you can develop your skills

Bristol Futures initiative

Become an adaptable, successful graduate through our Bristol Futures initiative. You can:

  • enhance your experience
  • develop core academic skills and
  • develop key personal attributes

Find out more about Bristol Futures

Jobs and work experience

There are lots of opportunities available to students through part time jobs, work experience and internships. Graduate level roles are advertised on mycareer.

Find out more about Jobs and work experience.

Meet and network with industry leaders

We run events inviting graduates to talk about their work, demonstrating how their degree has provided the expertise for their employment and where your studies can take you.

There is an opportunity to discuss the subject and meet the speaker after the event. Speakers come from a diverse range of organisations, these have included Visa and central government think tanks.

Find out more about our seminars.

The Careers Service at the University is fantastic. I’ve been to a CV drop-in session and workshops from various employers to help further my employability. They also hold multiple careers fairs with some big names attending, so there’s been plenty of opportunity to ask questions to professionals in my industry of interest.

Yash (BSc Economics and Management)

PLN Mentoring Scheme Video

Watch how the Professional Liaison Network mentoring scheme has benefitted our students.

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